1.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(12)
As fast as the reef grows, parrotfish break it down again, creating a continually changing environment. 珊瑚礁一边生长,鹦鹉鱼一边吃掉它。这形成了一种...
2.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(11)
I'm just going to edge onto its patch a little bit more, it could be trouble, I sense. 我将靠近她的领土边缘一点点,可能有麻烦,我能感觉到。 She can't ...
3.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(10)
But even he has his limits. 但它也有忍不住的时候。 On the reef, there seem to be an almost infinitely variety of ways of feeding, some fish even culti...
4.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(9)
But she's not deterred from approaching. 但她没有打消念头离开。 What she is about to do seems almost suicidal. 她要做的看上去简直是自杀性行为。 She's ...
5.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(8)
Beyond them, silver belly fish never let down their guard. 除了它们以外,银钓饵鱼也从不放松警惕。 They shimmer like a thousand tiny mirrors, swilling ...
6.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(7)
Some are little more than rocks, others substantial mountains, covered in woodland. 有的也就比岩石大点,其他的则是覆盖着森林的山脉。 The first British...
7.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(6)
Aboriginal people would have lived here too. 土著人可能生活在这里。 Hunting the wildlife in areas that are now deep underwater. 在这片目前是大海深处的...
8.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(5)
Imagine all this activity, this constant even flow of life continuing for over 2,000 kilometers. 想象这里发生的活动,潮起潮落,绵延了2000公里。 It's h...
9.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(4)
Even though, coral reefs cover less than 1% of world's oceans. 尽管珊瑚的面积还不到海洋面积的百分之一。 They contain a quarter of all known marine lif...
10.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 自然奇迹(3)
They respond to touch, temperature, currents, and the cycles of the sun and the moon. 它们对触碰,温度,洋流及日月的交替都有反应。 And their tiny move...