1.英语听力:自然百科 已知的宇宙 接触外星人(1)
For thousands of years, we've wondered if we are alone in the cosmos. 数千年以来,我们都在思索我们在宇宙中是否孤单。 Life, is it a one-time event, or ...
2.英语听力:自然百科 已知的宇宙 接触外星人(2)
Are we alone?And it ties into all the big questions: how do we get here? where are we going?Are we a part of a bigger picture? 我们是否孤单这个问题又...
3.英语听力:自然百科 已知的宇宙 接触外星人(3)
Those planets are all going to be so hot, and you can't develop something as complex as life. 那些星球都太热了,如生命这类复杂事物根本无法在那里诞生。...
4.英语听力:自然百科 已知的宇宙 接触外星人(4)
Water allows the sand grains to flow to gather and intermingle and form more complex structures. 水可以使沙粒流动到一起并相互粘连并形成更复杂的结构。 ...
5.英语听力:自然百科 已知的宇宙 接触外星人(5)
Because from trillions of miles away, these small planets get lost in the blinding glare of their stars'brightness. 因为从几万亿光年外看,这些小行星会...
6.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 堡礁内外(33)
Raine Island has the biggest concentration of wildlife on the Barrier Reef, but many of its animals are visitors and at departure time they leave behi...
7.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 堡礁内外(32)
Their powerful pincers can tear a hatchling limb from limb. 它们强有力的钳子能把刚孵化的小海龟撕成一块又一块。 Another lucky escape but there's still ...
8.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 堡礁内外(31)
But the herons have had their fill. 但是苍鹭已经吃饱了。 They simply couldn't eat another baby turtle. 它们吃不下另一只小海龟了。 It's been a narrow e...
9.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 堡礁内外(30)
The clutch of turtle eggs has been incubating under the sand for two months. 海龟的一窝蛋在已经孵化了,它们在沙滩下已经两个月了。 At the right moment,...
10.英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 堡礁内外(1)
The great barrier reef is huge. 大堡礁很大。 It stretches for over 2,000 kilometers along Australia's north east coast. 绵延2000多公里的澳大利亚东北海...