1.异类之不一样的成功启示录 第140期:高权力距离指数文化对职责的影响
the high power distance of Columbians could have created frustration on the part of the first officer 在高权力距离指数文化里,如果机长没有作出意料中应...
2.异类之不一样的成功启示录 第139期:降低驾驶舱内的权利距离指数
You can imagine the effect that Hofstede's findings had on people in the aviation industry. 可以想象霍夫斯泰德的研究结果将对飞行领域的人们产生怎样重大...
3.异类之不一样的成功启示录 第138期:权利距离指数
Denmark and Belgium may share in a kind of broad European liber-democratic tradition, 丹麦人和比利时人共同分享欧洲广阔的自由民主贸易, but they have d...
4.异类之不一样的成功启示录 第137期:不确定性规避
Another of Hofstede's dimensions is uncertainty avoidance. How well does a culture tolerate ambiguity? 霍夫斯泰德的另一个维度是他的不确定性规避。一种...
5.异类之不一样的成功启示录 第136期:飞机失事的原因
Ratwatte continued, All the guy had to do was tell the controller, 'we don't have fuel to comply with what you're trying to do.' 他继续说:所有飞行员...
6.异类之不一样的成功启示录 第135期:空中交通状况
The thing you have to understand about that crash, Ratwatte said, is that New York air traffic controllers are famous for being rude, aggressive and b...
7.异类之不一样的成功启示录 第134期:52航班驾驶舱的对话
The captain tries again. 机长再次尝试。 Did you tell him? 卡维德:你跟他讲了吗? Klotz: Yes, sir. I already advise him. 克鲁兹:是的,先生,我已经向他...
8.异类之不一样的成功启示录 第133期:改进舒缓语气的使用方式
Combating mitigation has become one of the great crusades in commercial aviation over the past fifteen years. 在过去的15年里,飞行界最大的变革就是改进...
9.异类之不一样的成功启示录 第132期:暗示
It's hard to read Fischer and Osaranu's study and not be just a little bit alarmed, 在读过费舍和奥若萨鲁的报告后,很难再认为这只是个小小的警告, becau...
10.异类之不一样的成功启示录 第131期:假设场景
The linguists Ute Fischer and Judith Orasanu, for example, once gave the following hypothetic scenario to a group of captains and first officers and a...