1.爆笑英语口语 第324期:这十件小事会让你感到幸福
Language Points 1. 躺在浴缸里,直到手指都泡起褶皱 Lying in the bath until your fingers and toes go all wrinkly. 2. 待在一起 Just being together. 3. 去...
2.爆笑英语口语 第323期:学会2000+常用高频词汇 搞定口语学习第一步
3.爆笑英语口语 第322期:如果一开始你不成功 那你永远不会成功了
Language Points 下面這句是鼎鼎大名的莫非定律 Murphy's Law): Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. 只要会出差错的事情就会出差错。 If at first you d...
4.爆笑英语口语 第321期:今天这些发泄情绪的英文不适合小朋友
Language Points 1,Shut up!Asshole! 2,You are dead meat! 3, Screw you! 4, Go fuck yourself! 5, You dersve FUCKING this! 6, Son of bitch! 7, You dam...
5.爆笑英语口语 第320期:出国旅行必备英文
Language Points 带着这50句英文,你就可以去环游世界了 海关 1、You go ahead with the formalities. I'll see to the heavy luggage. 您先去办手续,我来帮您...
6.爆笑英语口语 第319期:国外汽车贴标语大全
Language Points 1. Hang up and drive.挂上电话好好开 2. Hit me, I need money 来,撞我,我缺钱 3. I brake for no apparent reason. 我刹车是没有什么理由的...
7.爆笑英语口语 第318期:你这一生应该做些什么
Language Points 1. Get married before 30 (在30岁前结婚) Get married you're really ready (当你真正准备好后结婚) 2. Retire with $5 million (当你赚到5...
8.爆笑英语口语 第317期:史上最难读的十个单词
Language Points chaos 混乱的 situation 情景 comfortable舒服的 vegetable 蔬菜 Tuesday 星期二 unique 独特的 thousand 千 very 非常 well 好的 -tion(单词...
9.爆笑英语口语 第316期:做到这8点 2017绝不后悔!
Language Points 1. Do what you like because no one would really care that much (去做自己想做的事情,因为真的没有那么多人去在乎) 2. Travel as often a...
10.爆笑英语口语 第315期:中国人对老外的6个最大的误解!
Language Points 1.Foreigners are all rich(外国人都很有钱) 2.Foreigners can't speak Chinese(外国人都不会说中文) 3.Foreigners need luxury and can't ...