1.爆笑英语口语 第194期:如何用美剧学口语?
我的步骤很简单,选材重复自嗨对号入座。 选材很重要 如果你要问我相对于Two Broke Girls and The Big Bang Theory哪个更适合学口语,我肯定告诉你选Two Broke G...
2.爆笑英语口语 第193期:快来看看我们的默契大考验吧
3.爆笑英语口语 第192期:为什么要听音乐?
Language Points 1.Your heartbeat will speed up or slow down to match the music youre listening to. 2.Listening to sad music can actually improve the l...
4.爆笑英语口语 第191期:如何改善我们身边的环境
Language Points 1.One of the most basic methods for improving is, of course, recycling. 2.Avoid utilizing plastic bags if at all possible. 3.Electrica...
5.爆笑英语口语 第190期:居然有如此神奇的时间管理方法
Language Points 1.The Wall Sit-N-Read 2.Page-Turner Push-Ups 3.Character Kicks 4.Page Planks 5.The Cooldown...
6.爆笑英语口语 第189期:第一次打飞机的爆笑经历
Language Points 抱歉,暂无文本...
7.爆笑英语口语 第188期:献给所有毕业的同学
Language Points 1. You've got to find what you love. 2. You will fail at some point in your life. Accept it. You will lose. 3. You will never truly kn...
8.爆笑英语口语 第187期:无法回答的那些问题
Language Points 1. What should I do with my hands? 2. Where the hell is my phone? 3. Should I go out in this? 4. Why does time pass so slowly? 5. Shou...
9.爆笑英语口语 第186期:节约用水人人有责
Language Points 1.Use the low-water dishwashing method. Instead of having the water running the whole time, fill one sink with hot soapy water, then t...
10.爆笑英语口语 第185期:上帝告诉我们的那些话
Language Points A man died... When he realized it, he saw God coming closer with a suitcase in his hand. Dialog between God and Dead Man : God: Alrigh...