1.爆笑英语口语 第23期:数字
Language Points Oh或zero double triple double Oh/zero-one-seven-one, triple two, double three, double four one half one third one quarter one fifth...
2.爆笑英语口语 第22期:我的错
Language Points My bad. 我不好 Im terribly sorry.特别抱歉 I take full responsibility for what happened.对于发生的事情我付全责 Tell you what, Im gonna ...
3.爆笑英语口语 第21期:我去接你
Language Points pick up somebody I'll pick you up at the airport. pick up girls Foreign guys like to pick up Chinese girls in clubs. pick up My luck h...
4.爆笑英语口语 第20期:赞
Language Points kick one's ass One more word and I'll kick your ass. kick ass You really kick ass, man. That's a kick-ass party. kick in The pills I t...
5.爆笑英语口语 第19期:宅
Language Points otaku indoorsy He is the most indoorsy person I've ever met. homebody I'm a homebody. I don't want to go out. I am an indoor person. I...
6.爆笑英语口语 第18期:不配
Language Points I don't deserve you. You deserve someone better. You're out of my league. She's completely out of my league. We don't match each other...
7.爆笑英语口语 第17期:way
Language Points This way please. I like the way you talk./ You should change the way you walk. It's way too hot today. He's way taller than me. get in...
8.爆笑英语口语 第16期:bitch
Language Points 1.SOB You cheating son of a bitch. 2.This problem is a real bitch! 3.bitch about=complain about 4.Stop bitching about your job so much...
9.爆笑英语口语 第15期:手机不行了
Language Points My phone's dead. My phone died. bad/poor reception I've got bad reception here. I'm losing you data,I'm out of data. MB读作megs,GB读...
10.爆笑英语口语 第14期:苹果发布会
Language Points iPhone6s rose gold 大妈金 iPad Pro apple pencil smart keyboard bucks 美金...