1.爆笑英语口语 第367期:涨知识!最常用的美国城市的昵称!
Language Points 最常用的美国城市的爱称。Big Easy 新奥尔良; Big Apple 纽约; Motor City 底特律; Sin City 拉斯维加斯,The City of Angels, 洛山矶, Windy C...
2.爆笑英语口语 第363期:我要找回逝去的青春
Language Points a blast from the past something that suddenly and strongly makes you remember a previous time in your life 勾起回忆的人或事,带有怀旧...
3.爆笑英语口语 第362期:日本目前很流行的断舍离生活方式到底是什么鬼?
Language Points pack rat 什么都攒着,不舍得扔的人。My husband is a huge pack rat. Our garage has no room for cars. 老公什么东西都留着,车库里根本没地...
4.爆笑英语口语 第361期:将一家公司快速做垮的秘密...
Language Points speak one's mind 畅所欲言。如,My boss doesn't like to hear ideas different from his own. No one dares to speak their mind. 老板不喜欢...
5.爆笑英语口语 第360期:家里谁说了算才会更幸福...
Language Points call the shots 做主。He callsthe shots at work, but his wife makes all the decisions at home. 他在办公室说了算,但回到家,凡事都是他太...
6.爆笑英语口语 第359期:重要的日子除了Big day还可以这么说!
Language Points red letter day, 重要的日子。The day she became a doctor was a red letter day for her whole family. 她正式成为医生那一天是全家人的大喜...
7.爆笑英语口语 第358期:人品好到爆英文怎么说?
Language Points not hurt a fly. 说人心善,连只苍蝇也不会伤害。I don't think John would ever do something like that. He won't even hurt a fly. 我不相信...
8.爆笑英语口语 第357期:获得深度睡眠的秘密 睡觉轻英语怎么说?
Language Points 如何形容一个人睡得很死?英文里我们可以说:sleep like a log/rock, means to sleep very deeply or very well. 即我们常说的睡得很死,睡得很...
9.爆笑英语口语 第356期:如何用英语介绍你的另一半
Language Points 用英文说另一半原来这么有意思...This is my better half. 这是我老公/老婆。Get better! 尽快康复!The sooner, the better. 越快越好。...
10.爆笑英语口语 第355期:趣多多你可能吃过 但你知道它的英文怎么说吗?
Language Points #SLANG - Blown away: impressed. Example:Everyone is blown away by Josh's chocolate chip cookies....