Akane, Canada speaker What part of your country has the best weather and the worst weather? Well, I would say that the best part of the country with w...
Jeanie, United States speaker Something that I waste a lot of time doing is worrying unnecessarily about different things in my life. One example is I...
Jeanie, United States speaker One thing I really wish I had enough money to buy is actually a new home for my mother, because she has done so much for...
Akane, Canada speaker What is a typical morning for you? A typical morning for me involves getting up with the alarm clock, turning on the news, takin...
Eucharia, Ireland speaker Is TV a good or bad influence? Well, most people would say it's a bad influence but my university lecturer when I was in uni...
Kate, New Zealand speaker I like to go shopping and I usually go to the department stores, although they can be a little bit expensive, and I usually ...
Anita / Taiwan speaker Am I good at saving money? I don't think that I'm a good person. I don't think that I'm good at saving money because I spend a ...
Marion, Ireland speaker Well, in Ireland we always have a lot of rain. It tends to rain for most of the year so I'm quite used to rain, but it's a sof...
Anita, Taiwan speaker What is something I wish I have more time to do? Actually, I'm a member in a band at my university and I spend a lot of time wit...
Martin, The United States speaker The one country I would most like to visit would have to be New Zealand. Mnay reasons, the number one being it looks...