1.英语听力:自然百科 消失的西藏王朝古格(25)
Cavalry scales passed down for generations from father to son, each the proud bearer of the heritage of his warrior ancestors. 骑术在父传子下世代流传,...
2.英语听力:自然百科 消失的西藏王朝古格(24)
Research shows that the climate in western Tibet has been steadily changing over the past millenium, and that man has been on the losing end of an age...
3.英语听力:自然百科 消失的西藏王朝古格(23)
John's theory supports one legend that tells a brutal and merciless execution, after having surrendered his kingdom, the king and his ministers were b...
4.英语听力:自然百科 消失的西藏王朝古格(22)
John Bellezza and Tsering Gyalpo have their own ideas, ideas that take them to the infamous cave of the dead, could the bodies of the Chinese army saw...
5.英语听力:自然百科 消失的西藏王朝古格(20)
Tsering recons these caves could have stored food and supplies to last a year. 和嘉波才让认为这些洞窟用来储存食物及用品足够支撑一年。 So in theory, Gu...
6.英语听力:自然百科 消失的西藏王朝古格(21)
Tsering recons these caves could have stored food and supplies to last a year. 和嘉波才让认为这些洞窟用来储存食物及用品足够支撑一年。 So in theory, Gu...
7.英语听力:自然百科 消失的西藏王朝古格(19)
Breaking through the city gates, the Ladakhis overcame Guge's resistance and took control of the lower part of the citadel. 进入城门后拉达克击退古格王...
8.英语听力:自然百科 消失的西藏王朝古格(18)
Seizing this long-awaited opportunity, the Ladakhis marched across the border of Guge, overcoming each fortress and embattlement in their path until t...
9.英语听力:自然百科 消失的西藏王朝古格(17)
In 1624, a Jesuit missionary, Father Antonio Andrade, wrote a book highly popular across Europe. 1624年,传教士安东尼奥?安德雷得写了一本在欧洲广为流传...
10.英语听力:自然百科 消失的西藏王朝古格(16)
In 1957, China's People's Liberation Army visited Tsaparang, giving us the first ever motion pictures of the abandoned city. 1957年人民解放军来到札布...