1.【跟着英剧练发音】The Paradise S01E03-D
文本: Peter: Our friend has a reputation as a man of innovation and drive. Perhaps he is also hoping to demonstrate that there is a softer side to hi...
2.【跟着英剧练发音】Jimmys Food Factory S1E3- 4 Egg 2
文本: 48,000 eggs fail the crack test here every day. Theyre not strong enough to safeguard their precious contents during packing, transport and sto...
3.【跟着英剧练发音】Downton Abbey S01E03
文本: I should remind you that there are plentyof young girls who will be glad of a position in this house. -And when I hand in my notice, I shall be...
4.【跟着英剧练发音】Sherlock S2E2-12
文本: J:What's this? S:Coffee. I made coffee. J: You never make coffee. S: I just did.Don't you want it? J: You don't have to keep apologising.Than...
5.【跟着英剧练发音】A History Of Britain - 17D
文本: Edward, who needed no tutorials on the connectionsbetween ceremonies and power, immediately took this as a slap in the face, anact of virtual r...
6.【跟着英剧练发音】Parades End E02 - 5
文本: Father: Damnable business. Do you want a pipe? --: Thank you, no. Father: There's a boy I'm putting through Eton. Gilbert Wannop's boy. --: Oh?...
7.【跟着英剧练发音】The Queens Palaces E1-23
You'll discover the palace that Nash created, in beautiful yellow Bath stone. This is the original open front of Nash's palace, designed in the classi...
8.【跟着英剧练发音】The Paradise S01E03-C
文本: Moray: Allow me to introduce Mr Peter Adler. Peter, Miss Katherine Glendenning. I see you have already met my other guest. Katherine: Oh, he is...
9.【跟着英剧练发音】Downton Abbey S03E03
文本: -She wants to keep it private, not secret. There's a difference. -I've done nothing to be ashamed of. I've bought a typewriter and I've taken a...
10.【跟着英剧练发音】Jimmys Food Factory S1E3- 3 Egg 1
文本: Crack detectors work by sound. If you get two good eggs and just tap them together, you get a nice ringing noise if its good or a dull noise if...