Drugs are becoming a big problem in many societies. When I was growing up, you rarely heard about drugs. Now, theyre everywhere. Children in schools a...
Driving is one of lifes greatest pleasures. Theres nothing better than getting behind the wheel and going for a drive. I live in the countryside, so i...
I dream almost every night. I have a lot of dreams and I remember most of them. Im not sure what they mean. Some of them are quite strange. One day Il...
Theres an old English saying that says, A dog is a mans best friend. This is true for many people men and women. Most people I know love dogs. They ar...
Doctors are cool. They spend all their day helping people and saving lives. There cant be many better jobs in the world. I wanted to be a doctor when ...
Divorce is on the increase around the world. It seems divorce rates are rising in pretty much every country you read about. I know in my country, divo...
One day, all diseases on Earth will be gone. I wonder. In fact, if all diseases die out or doctors find vaccines and cures for them, that will really ...
I dont understand discrimination. To me, its evil. How can you not think that all people are the same? It doesnt matter what kind of discrimination it...
I think disability can be a difficult thing to understand. It's a word that means many different things. A disability can affect people's body, intell...
Im hopeless at giving directions. I get very confused. Im sure I send people in totally the wrong direction. For some reason, I always get stopped for...