1.夏洛的网 第31期:逃走(13)
Come, pig! said Mr. Zuckerman, tapping the pail. Come pig! 来吧,小猪!朱克曼先生拍着桶子说,小猪,来吧! Wilbur took a step toward the pail. 威尔伯朝...
2.夏洛的网 第30期:逃走(12)
Poor Wilbur was dazed and frightened by this hullabaloo. 你叫我嚷,可怜的威尔伯被这种喧闹声弄得昏头昏脑,吓坏了。 He didn't like being the center of a...
3.夏洛的网 第29期:逃走(11)
The goose took command and began to give orders. 那只母鹅充当指挥,开始发号施令。 Don't just stand there, Wilbur! Dodge about, dodge about! cried the ...
4.夏洛的网 第28期:逃走(10)
Wilbur didn't know what to do or which way to run. 威尔伯不知道怎么办才好,也不知道该朝哪里跑。 It seemed as though everybody was after him. 看着个个...
5.夏洛的网 第27期:逃走(9)
The news of Wilbur's escape spread rapidly among the animals on the place. 威尔伯逃走的消息,很快在那群牲口当中传开了。 Whenever any creature broke lo...
6.夏洛的网 第26期:逃走(8)
The cocker spaniel heard the commotion and he ran out from the barn to join the chase. 那只小猎狗听到了喧闹声,从谷仓里奔出来参加追捕。 Mr. Zuckerman ...
7.夏洛的网 第25期:逃走(7)
I can see that, replied Wilbur. 我看得出它的奇妙,威尔伯回答说。 He gave a jump in the air, twirled, ran a few steps, stopped, 它蹦起来,跳得半天高,...
8.夏洛的网 第24期:逃走(6)
How does it feel to be free? she asked. 自由自在的感觉怎么样?它问道。 I like it, said Wilbur. That is, I guess I like it. 我喜欢,威尔伯说,我是说,...
9.夏洛的网 第23期:逃走(5)
That's where you're wrong, my friend, my friend, said a voice. 你这话就错了,我的朋友,我的朋友,我的朋友,一个声音说。 Wilbur looked through the fenc...
10.夏洛的网 第22期:逃走(4)
One afternoon in June, when Wilbur was almost two months old, 六月里,威尔伯已经快两个月大了。 he wandered out into his small yard outside the barn. ...