1.英国学生科学读本 第64期:红色金属--铜(2)
Copper can be rolled or hammered out into thin sheets, and so we say that it is malleable. It can also be easily drawn out into wire, and for this rea...
2.英国学生科学读本 第64期:红色金属--铜(1)
Lesson 64 The Red Metal Called Copper 第64课 红色金属铜 There is only one metal which is red in colour. Its name is copper. On the shores of Lake Supe...
3.英国学生科学读本 第63期:有用的椰子(2)
This soft black mark is the place through which the young palm-tree would force its way out, if the cocoanut were planted in the soil of its native la...
4.英国学生科学读本 第63期:有用的椰子(1)
Lesson 63 The Useful Cocoa-nut 第63课 有用的椰子 Cocoa-nuts grow in clusters at the top of a palm-tree which is found in most hot countries. This palm...
5.英国学生科学读本 第62期:吃苦耐劳的驴子(2)
There is a clear space in the jaws between the front and the back teeth, and into this space we put the steel bit to which the reins are fastened when...
6.英国学生科学读本 第62期:吃苦耐劳的驴子(1)
Lesson 62 The Patient Donkey 第62课 吃苦耐劳的驴子 Have you ever heard a donkey bray? What a noise he makes! Even if you have not heard one, I am sure...
7.英国学生科学读本 第61期:雪花莲(2)
If you cut this seed-vessel across with a pen-knife, you will find inside it some tiny young green seeds. 用一把小刀将这个种皮切开,就能看到里面尚未成...
8.英国学生科学读本 第61期:雪花莲(1)
Lesson 61 The Snow-drop 第61课 雪花莲 When the new year comes, the snow-drop is the first of all the flowers to put forth its lovely white blossoms. W...
9.英国学生科学读本 第60期:卷心菜(2)
Instead of cutting all our cabbage plants, we shall leave a few in the ground until the end of the summer. Soon the heart of each plant will open, and...
10.英国学生科学读本 第60期:卷心菜(1)
Lesson 60 The Cabbage 第60课 卷心菜 In some sandy places near the sea the cabbage plant grows wild. We should not care to eat wild cabbages; but by gr...