1.【突破英文词汇】hermetic, iridescent, jovial
1. hermetic /həˈmetɪk/ -- airtight Hermes除了是商业、辩才等象征外,还是魔法之神。赫耳墨斯(Hermes),是宙斯与迈亚的儿子,是奥林匹斯十二主神之一,相...
2.【突破英文词汇】Elysian, hector, herculean
1. Elysian /iˈliziən/ -- delightful; blissful; heavenly Elysium是神话中勇敢及善良的人死后安居的乐土。埃律西昂(Elysium)希腊神话中英雄死后灵魂前往的...
3.【突破英文词汇】bacchanalian, chimerical等
1. bacchanalian /ˌbkəˈneɪljən/ -- jovial or wild with drunkness Bacchus是酒神。巴克斯(Bacchus)是罗马神话中的酒神和植物神,相当于希腊神话中的狄...
4.【突破英文词汇】ambrosial, atlas, auroral
1. ambrosial /mˈbrəuzjəl/ -- exceptionally pleasing to taste or smell; extremely delicious; excellent ambrosia是神享用的美味可口的食物。在神话中,...
5.【突破英文词汇】Adonis, aegis, amazon
1. Adonis /əˈdəunis/ -- very handsome young man Adonis是爱神Aphrodite所爱的英俊男子。阿多尼斯(Adonis)是希腊神话中掌管每年植物死而复生的一位非常俊...
6.【突破英文词汇】with -- back 向后
1. withdraw /wiˈdrɔ:/ -- take or draw back or away Tom is my principal backer; if he withdraws his support, I don't see how I can be elected. 汤姆是...
7.【突破英文词汇】up -- up, upward 上;向上
1. upheaval /ʌpˈhi:vəl/ -- violent heaving up; commotion; extreme agitation The prime minister's proposal for new taxes created such an upheaval th...
8.【突破英文词汇】under -- beneath 在……下
1. underbrush /ˈʌndəbrʌʃ/ -- shrubs, bushes, etc., growing beneath large trees in a forest; undergrowth On its way through the dense jungle, the ...
9.【突破英文词汇】un -- not 非
1. unconcern /ˌʌnkənˈsə:n/ -- lack of concern, anxiety or interest; indifference The audience is breathless with anxiety during the daring tightr...
10.【突破英文词汇】over -- too, over 太;超过
1. overdose /ˈəʊvəˈdəʊs/ -- quantity of medicine beyond what is to be taken at one time or in a given period; too big a dose Do not take more o...