1.英文书摘精选 财富成功还有爱 Wealth Success and Love
Wealth Success and Love A woman saw three old men sitting in her front yard. She said, I dont think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in...
2.英文书摘精选 一碟豌豆 A Plate of Peas
A Plate of Peas My grandfather died when I was a small boy, and my grandmother started staying with us for about six months every year. She lived in a...
3.英文书摘精选 智利地震如何使地球一天时间缩短
The massive earthquake that struck Chile in February 2010 might have shortened Earth's day by 1.26 microseconds, according to calculations by a NASA s...
4.英文书摘精选 催产素能治疗自闭症?
Some call it the hormone of love. Its oxytocin and it helps moms bond with and breast-feed their babies, and even keeps romantic couples content. Now ...
5.英文书摘精选 种田也是一门学问
Jon Foley: Agriculture turns out to be one of the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases. About 30% of all of our greenhouse gases come from either clea...
6.英文书摘精选 梦真的能预言未来吗?
Lots of people have had dreams that seem to foretell the future. Some psychologists attribute this to retrieval cues. 很多人都曾做过似乎能预示未来的梦...
7.英文书摘精选 糖---甜蜜的杀手
Some methods of preserving food are easy to understand. 一些保存食物的方法很容易理解。 For example, it's easy to see that freezing your food, or packi...
8.英文书摘精选 出生方式决定你的“健康”
Baby's Bacteria Related to Birth Method 出生方式决定婴儿携带什么样的细菌 Each of us harbors a unique collection of bacteria, on our outsides and our i...
9.英文书摘精选 十几岁孩子的教育指南,家长必读
十几岁的孩子,在身体、智力、品德等各方面都在快速地成长,也会跟父母发生很多碰撞和冲突。如何把握好这个阶段的教育,对很多父母来说都是人生最大的考验。 You...
10.英文书摘精选 婚姻幸福的方程式