1.与美国小学生一起学英文第4册 第32期:民族音乐
Folk Music 民族音乐 Folk music means traditional music. 民族音乐是指传统音乐。 Each country has its own folk music. 每个国家都有自己的民族音乐。 Folk ...
2.与美国小学生一起学英文第4册 第31期:歌剧
Opera 歌剧 Opera is a kind of art. 歌剧是一种艺术。 Singers and musicians perform an opera. 歌手和音乐家表演歌剧。 An opera has a story and it includs...
3.与美国小学生一起学英文第4册 第30期:肖像画
Portrait 肖像画 A portrait is a painting, drawing, sculpture, photograph, video or digital media of a person. 肖像画是指为某人而作的油画、水彩画、雕塑...
4.与美国小学生一起学英文第4册 第29期:风景画
Landscape 风景画 A landscape in art is drawing things that one can see in nature, such as trees, mountains, oceans, rivers and woods. 风景画是指描绘树...
5.与美国小学生一起学英文第4册 第28期:体积
Volume 体积 Volume is how much space something occupies. 体积是指某一物体所占的空间。 In this case, space consists of three dimensions, length, width ...
6.与美国小学生一起学英文第4册 第27期:奇数与偶数
Odd and even numbers 奇数与偶数 Numbers are divided into two different things. 数字分为两组不同的数。 There are odd numbers and even numbers. 它们是奇...
7.与美国小学生一起学英文第4册 第26期:五边形
Pentagon 五边形 A pentagon is a kind of shape. 五边形是一种形状。 It has 5 sides. 它有五条边。 The angles inside of a pentagon add up to 540 degrees. ...
8.与美国小学生一起学英文第4册 第25期:加仑
Gallon 加仑 A gallon is used for measuring volume. 加仑是用来测量容积的。 It is used in the United States and United Kingdom. 它在美国和英国使用。 A g...
9.与美国小学生一起学英文第4册 第24期:华盛顿
Washington, D.C. 华盛顿 Washington, D.C. is the capital of the USA. 华盛顿是美国的首都。 Washington, D.C. is famous for historic buildings. 华盛顿以历...
10.与美国小学生一起学英文第4册 第23期:法院
Court 法院 You have probably seen a courtroom in a movie. 你或许在电影中看到过法院。 There is a judge, lawyers, a jury and other people in a court. 法...