1.与美国小学生一起学英文第4册 第12期:天线
Antenna 天线 An antenna is used for radio, television, radar and so on. 天线用于广播、电视、雷达等等。 It works in air and under the water. 它适用于空...
2.与美国小学生一起学英文第4册 第11期:热带雨林
Rain Forest 热带雨林 Have you ever been to a rain forest? 你去过热带雨林吗? Rain forests are found around the equator. 热带雨林在赤道附近。 In the ra...
3.与美国小学生一起学英文第4册 第10期:干旱
Drought 干旱 A drought is a long period of water shortage. 干旱是指长期的水资源短缺。 If we have no rainfall for a long time, we can face drought. 如...
4.与美国小学生一起学英文第4册 第9期:氧气
Oxygen 氧气 Can you touch or feel oxygen in the air? 你能触摸或感受到空气中氧气吗? Oxygen has very unique characteristics. 氧气有非常独特的性质。 You...
5.与美国小学生一起学英文第4册 第8期:浣熊
Raccoon 浣熊 Have you seen a raccoon in your neighborhood? 你有在你家附近看到过浣熊吗? Raccoons usually move at night. 浣熊一般在晚上活动。 They live...
6.与美国小学生一起学英文第4册 第7期:火山
Volcano 火山 Many mountains are the result of volcanoes. 许多山峰都是火山的产物。 A long time ago, many mountains were formed by volcanic activity. 很...
7.与美国小学生一起学英文第4册 第6期:月球
Moon 月球 Do you have any idea how big the moon is? 你知道月球有多大吗? The moon's radius is 1737 kilometers. 月球的半径长1737千米。 This is just one...
8.与美国小学生一起学英文第4册 第5期:珍珠贝
Pearl Oyster 珍珠贝 Do you know where pearls come from? 你知道珍珠产自哪里吗? Expensive jewels usually come from big mines. 昂贵的珠宝通常产自大矿山...
9.与美国小学生一起学英文第4册 第4期:峡谷
Valley 峡谷 Have you been to a nice valley between big mountains. 你去过大山之间的美丽的峡谷么? If you see many mountains in your country, you also h...
10.与美国小学生一起学英文第4册 第3期:食物链
Food Chain 食物链 The food chain is a natural system. 食物链是自然系统。 The first level of the food chain consists of plants. 食物链的第一级由植物组...