1.与美国小学生一起学英文第5册 第32期:小提琴
Violin 小提琴 The violin is one of the most important classic instruments. 小提琴是最重要的古典乐器之一。 The violin is more than 500 years old. 小提...
2.与美国小学生一起学英文第5册 第31期:女高音
Soprano 女高音 A soprano ia a high pitched voice. soprano是指高音。 It is usually sung be females. 它通常由女性演唱。 It is used in choral music. 它用...
3.与美国小学生一起学英文第5册 第30期:马赛克
Mosaic 马赛克 A mosaic is a kind of art. 马赛克是一种艺术。 It is made of small pieces of materials, such as glass, stone or paper. 它是由玻璃、石头或...
4.与美国小学生一起学英文第5册 第29期:蜡笔
Crayon 蜡笔 What are crayons made of? 蜡笔是用什么制作的? Crayons are made of an oiled chalk. 蜡笔是用油性粉笔做成的。 Children love to write and dra...
5.与美国小学生一起学英文第5册 第28期:一杯
Cup 一杯 A cup is a kind of unit. 一杯是一种计量单位。 It is used to measure how much something holds. 它用来测量某物的容量。 One cup is equal to 8 au...
6.与美国小学生一起学英文第5册 第27期:等号
Equal Sign 等号 Do you like math? 你喜欢数学吗? You probably saw an equal sign in math. 你或许在数学中看到过等号。 The equal sign is a symbol in math...
7.与美国小学生一起学英文第5册 第26期:25分硬币
Quarter 25分硬币 A quarter is an American or Canadian coin. quarter是指美国或加拿大的一种硬币。 How much is a quarter? 这种硬币值多少钱呢? A quarter ...
8.与美国小学生一起学英文第5册 第25期:尺子
Ruler 尺子 A ruler is a very useful tool. 尺子是非常有用的工具。 It can measure the length of an object. 它可以测量物体的长度。 There are many differe...
9.与美国小学生一起学英文第5册 第24期:郊区
Suburban Area 郊区 An urban area is a city or a town. 城区是指城市或市镇。 A suburban area is a place around the city or town. 郊区在城镇周围。 An urb...
10.与美国小学生一起学英文第5册 第23期:铁路
Railroad 铁路 Do you often travel by train? 你经常乘火车旅行吗? It is a very interesting experience. 那经历是非常有趣的。 The history of the steel ra...