1.与美国小学生一起学英文第7册 第32期:足球
Soccer 足球 Soccer is one of the most popular sports games in the world. 足球是世界上最受欢迎的一项体育运动。 In order to play soccer, there must be t...
2.与美国小学生一起学英文第7册 第31期:呼啦圈
Hula Hoops 呼啦圈 Do you have a hula hoop in your house? 你家有呼啦圈吗? A hula hoop is usually made of plastic, but it is sometimes made of wood. 呼...
3.与美国小学生一起学英文第7册 第30期:桑巴
Samba 桑巴 The samba is a popular folk music in Brazil. 桑巴在巴西是很受欢迎的民族音乐。 It came from Africa and Europe. 它起源于非洲和欧洲。 It is no...
4.与美国小学生一起学英文第7册 第29期:韩德尔
Handel 韩德尔 What do you know about George Friedrich Handel? 你了解乔治弗里德里希韩德尔吗? He was a composer and he wrote many famous operas. 他是作...
5.与美国小学生一起学英文第7册 第28期:雕像
Sculpture 雕像 Where can people easily see a sculpture in their life? 生活中,人们在哪儿容易看到雕像? They usually see a huge sculpture in front of a...
6.与美国小学生一起学英文第7册 第27期:莫奈
Monet 莫奈 Are you familiar with Monet? 你熟悉莫奈吗? Monet was a very famous artist and a lot of people know about him. 莫奈是位闻名遐迩的艺术家。 T...
7.与美国小学生一起学英文第7册 第26期:八边形
Octagon 八边形 What is a shape that has 5 lines and 5 angles? 哪种形状有五条边和五个角? It is a pentagon. 它就是五边形。 What is a shape that has 8 l...
8.与美国小学生一起学英文第7册 第25期:图画文字
Pictograph 图画文字 What is a pictograph? 什么是图画文字? A pictograph is a picture that means a word. 图画文字是代表文字的图形。 Where and when do p...
9.与美国小学生一起学英文第7册 第24期:堤
Levee 堤 A levee is a system to control water levels. 堤是一种控制水位的系统。 When it rains a lot, floods can happen. 降雨很多时,就可能会发生洪水。 ...
10.与美国小学生一起学英文第7册 第23期:飓风卡特里娜
Hurricane Katrina 飓风卡特里娜 What is the name you hate the most? 你最深恶痛绝哪个名字? If you asked people in Louisiana this quesion. They will say...