Another point of difference between the male and female schools is still more characteristic of the sexes. 雄鲸队与雌鲸队还有一种更具有性别特征的不同...
The same secludedness and isolation to which the schoolmaster whale betakes himself in his advancing years, is true of all aged Sperm Whales. 这个校长...
In good time, nevertheless, as the ardor of youth declines; as years and dumps increase; as reflection lends her solemn pauses; 然而,到了相当的时候,...
As ashore, the ladies often cause the most terrible duels among their rival admirers; just so with the whales, who sometimes come to deadly battle, an...
They are comparatively delicate, indeed; I dare say, not to exceed half a dozen yards round the waist. Nevertheless, it cannot be denied, that upon th...
Chapter 88 Schools and Schoolmasters 第八十八章 鲸队和队长(原文有学校与校长的意思,作者在本章中即以其双关意义随意讽喻。) The previous chapter gave a...
This lucky salvation was cheaply purchased by the loss of Queequeg's hat, who, while standing in the bows to prick the fugitive whales, 这一个庆幸生还...
in more and more contracting orbits the whales in the more central circles began to swim in thickening clusters. Yes, the long calm was departing. A l...
A whale wounded (as we afterwards learned) in this part, but not effectually, as it seemed, had broken away from the boat, carrying along with him hal...
And thus, though surrounded by circle upon circle of consternations and affrights, 这样,这些置身在中央的不可思议的动物,尽管四下是一层一层的惊惶恐惧...