1.早安英文 第437期:如何用英语优雅地吐槽别人
1.horrible: when someone behaved in a very rude, unkind, or annoying way. She's a horrible person. 她是个很糟糕的人。 I really don't like her at all. ...
2.早安英文 第436期:这些常见的缩写你认识几个
UN = the united nations 联合国 UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) 联合国教科文组织 WHO (World Health Organizati...
3.早安英文 第435期:一说英语就尴尬?
A lack of vocabulary 词汇量太少了 Problems with pronunciation 发音问题 Ignorance of English grammar and syntax 不熟知语法和句法 Don't translate litera...
4.早安英文 第434期:各种护肤品用英语怎么说
benzoyl 苯甲酰 peroxide 过氧化物 inflammation 发炎 hyaluronic acid injections fillers 注射玻尿酸填充 facial cleanser 洗面奶 firming facial toner 紧致...
5.早安英文 第433期:散粉、眉笔和腮红用英文怎么说
foundation 粉底 pressed powder 粉饼 loose powder 散粉 brow powder 眉粉 brow pencil 眉笔 brow brush 眉刷 liquid eye liner, eye liner 眼线液笔/眼线笔 e...
6.早安英文 第432期:借钱以及贷款
I am a bit short on cash. Can I borrow five bucks? 最近手头有点紧。能借我五美元吗? Come on, I'll pay you back on Tuesday. 拜托啦,我周二就还你。 I pr...
7.早安英文 第431期:易混淆词汇大解析
1. sometime 某一个时候,某一个特定的时间 / sometimes 偶尔,有时 e.g. We should get together sometime. / We should get together sometime next week. 我...
8.早安英文 第430期:喝汤的喝到底该用drink还是eat?
drink soup (喝汤,清汤) eat porridge (喝粥,粥的浓度高密度大) save money 省钱 deposit money (deposit some money in the bank) 存钱 thick soup 浓汤 thic...
9.早安英文 第429期:#还只会念成"井号键"吗
#humpday周三 #TGIFThankGodIt'sFriday谢天谢地终于到周五了 #4f4followforfollow互粉 #l4llikeforlike互赞 #ootdoutfitoftheday本日穿搭 HumpdaymeansWednesday...
10.早安英文 第428期:哈佛的学生到底比你强在哪
promising students 有前途的学生 academic accomplishment 学术成就 the Admissions Committee 招生委员会 recommendation letter 推荐信 transcript 成绩单 pe...