1.2018年经济学人 美国经济:特朗普的繁荣能持久吗?(2)
Yet the economy is not in immediate danger. 然而,经济体并非处于迫在眉睫的危险之中。 And the maturity of the business cycle cuts both ways. 而且,商业...
2.2018年经济学人 美国经济:特朗普的繁荣能持久吗?(1)
Leaders 领导者 The American economy: Can the Trump boom last? 美国经济:特朗普的繁荣能持久吗? America's president is not the architect of American st...
3.2018年经济学人 遗产税:世袭精英的自保机制(2)
In fact, people who are against tax in general ought to be less hostile to inheritance taxes than other sorts. 实际上,反对税收的人总的来说,对继承税...
4.2018年经济学人 遗产税:世袭精英的自保机制(1)
However, in 2017, it is not clear exactly how decisive a role inheritance plays in the entrenchment of the hereditary elite. 不过,在2017年,遗产税在...
5.2018年经济学人 继承税:为向死亡征税而辩(2)
Such levies pit two vital liberal principles against each other. 这类征税置自由主义的两项关键原则于相互冲突之中。 One is that governments should leave...
6.2018年经济学人 继承税:为向死亡征税而辩(1)
Leaders 领导者 The case for taxing death 为向死亡征税而辩 How to balance people's desire to bequeath assets with the unfairness of inheritance. 如何用...
7.2018年经济学人 自由交流:用户数据的买卖(2)
Still, the paper contains essential insights which should frame discussion of data's role in the economy. 尽管如此,这篇论文仍然包含一些深刻的见解,它...
8.2018年经济学人 自由交流:用户数据的买卖(1)
To tackle these problems, they have a radical proposal. 为了解决这些问题,他们提出一项激进的建议。 Rather than being regarded as capital, data should ...
9.2018年经济学人 自由交流:数字无产者(2)
They also hoover up valuable data from users through the use of tools like reCAPTCHA, which ask visitors to solve problems that are easy for humans bu...
10.2018年经济学人 自由交流:数字无产者(1)
Finance and Economics 财经 Free Exchange: The digital proletariat 自由交流:数字无产者 Economists propose a radical solution to the problems posed by ...