1.2020年经济学人 量子计算机蕴藏的商机(3)
Jeremy O'Brien, one of the firm's founders, says that, in partnership with GlobalFoundries, a big contract chipmaker, 该公司创始人之一杰里米奥布莱恩表...
2.2020年经济学人 量子计算机蕴藏的商机(2)
For most of the field's history, quantum-computing research has been backed by governments or big information-technology firms. 纵观该领域的历史,量子...
3.2020年经济学人 量子计算机蕴藏的商机(1)
The business of quantum computers 量子计算机蕴藏的商机 Uncertainty principals 不确定性原理 Quantum computing is attracting commercial interest 量子计...
4.2020年经济学人 查理曼专栏--售卖欧盟护照(3)
Offering citizenship as a form of atonement is common. Austria, which normally restricts dual nationality, now allows descendants of Jews who were exp...
5.2020年经济学人 查理曼专栏--售卖欧盟护照(2)
Some EU countries, particularly those with large diasporas, dish out the burgundy like a wine wholesaler at Christmas. Ireland allows anyone with an I...
6.2020年经济学人 查理曼专栏--售卖欧盟护照(1)
Europe 欧洲板块 Charlemagne 查理曼专栏 The right to sell passports 出售护照的权利 A crackdown on golden passports raises questions about citizenship t...
7.2020年经济学人 一周要闻 全球劳动收入锐减 耐克线上销售增长强劲 美著名大米品牌改名
The income of workers across the world will have fallen by an average 10.7% in the first nine months of this year compared with the same period last y...
8.2020年经济学人 一周要闻 加州禁售燃油车 德意志银行关闭20%分行 西班牙两大银行合并
The world this week 本周国际要闻 Business 经济 Following weeks of courting, CaixaBank made it official and agreed to take over Bankia, creating Spains...
9.2020年经济学人 黑帮VS政府(4)
But they also see the childhood traumas that drove the Kid into the gang such as the dark room into which his fathers boss at a coffee plantation disa...
10.2020年经济学人 黑帮VS政府(3)
The best reporting on MS-13 is by local journalists, including El Faro, which has churned out cinematic dispatches from gang-torn barrios for more tha...