1.新奇事件簿 牙医从7岁男孩嘴里取出数百颗牙齿
A dentist in Chennai, India has removed 526 miniature teeth from the mouth of a seven-year-old boy. The boy complained to his mother that he had tooth...
2.新奇事件簿 埃塞俄比亚12小时内种植数亿棵树
Ethiopia has broken the world record for the largest number of trees planted in one day, while simultaneously making the world a little greener. Ethio...
3.新奇事件簿 韩国球迷起诉尤文图斯
Football fans in South Korea are planning to sue Italian soccer giants Juventus and its star player Cristiano Ronaldo. Over 2,000 fans want compensati...
4.新奇事件簿 年轻人不再观看电视新闻
Young people in Great Britain are watching less and less news on television. This is according to Ofcom, a regulatory body that oversees broadcasting ...
5.新奇事件簿 北极圈内火灾肆虐
Hundreds of huge wildfires have broken out all across the Arctic Circle. Areas in the Arctic are warming twice as fast as anywhere else on the planet....
6.新奇事件簿 鲍里斯·约翰逊成为英国新领导人
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has a new leader. Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson became the UK's new Prime Minister yeste...
7.新奇事件簿 加大拿上演拯救鲑鱼大行动
A team of rescuers is working hard to help airlift thousands of salmon in Canada to safety. The salmon are trapped in a section of the Fraser River in...
8.新奇事件簿 图灵成为50英镑新钞人物
Alan Turing, the man widely recognised as being the father of modern computer science, has been honored by being selected to appear on a United Kingdo...
9.新奇事件簿 埃及首次开放最古老的金字塔
Egypt has opened two of its oldest pyramids. The pyramids are in Dahshur, about 40 kilometers south of the Egyptian capital city Cairo. They are now o...
10.新奇事件簿 大型教育出版商逐步淘汰印刷教材
The world's largest education publisher, Pearson, has said it will gradually phase out printed textbooks. It has taken a decision to make all of its l...