1.新奇事件簿 糖果包装禁止使用卡通人物
Candy and chocolate manufacturers in the UK may have to stop using cartoon characters on their products. An alliance of health groups said many food c...
2.新奇事件簿 月球表面出现神秘闪光
Scientists across the world are puzzled as to why there are flashes appearing on the surface of the moon. This unusual phenomenon has been happening s...
3.新奇事件簿 WHO:职业倦怠属于医学问题
Workers around the world have experienced burnout for decades. Burnout is mental exhaustion due to too much stress at work. This problem has now been ...
4.新奇事件簿 英国一节目遭抨击
A TV channel in the UK is under fire from membersof the public for one of its programmes that followsthe lives of couples with a big age difference. V...
5.新奇事件簿 科学家希望找到治疗蛇咬伤的方法
Scientists are hoping to find a universal cure for snakebite. Experts on snakebite venom in India, Kenya, Nigeria, the UK and the USA are working toge...
6.新奇事件簿 阿拉巴马州堕胎法案
Two high-profile groups in the USA have filed a lawsuit to challenge the near-total abortion ban in the state of Alabama. The American Civil Liberties...
7.新奇事件簿 鸟取沙丘遭遇涂鸦破坏
A city in Japan is having a problem with graffiti. However, it is not the usual type of graffiti with paint from spray cans being used to write on wal...
8.新奇事件簿 亿万富翁为学生偿还贷款
University students receiving their diplomas at a college in the USA got the surprise of their lives during their commencement ceremony. Students at M...
9.新奇事件簿 百万人请愿重拍《权游》
People who watch the television programme Game of Thrones are not happy. Over one million viewers have signed a petition to get the final, eighth seas...
10.新奇事件簿 素食主义育儿属刑事犯罪
Doctors in Belgium have stated that raising children on a vegan diet is unethical and should be a criminal offence. Vegans refrain from consuming any ...