1.新奇事件簿 英国高校开启线上课程
A regulatory body in the UK that looks after student affairs has warned universities to be honest about online lessons. The Office for Students issued...
2.新奇事件簿 亚马逊发布首款大型视频游戏
The online retail giant Amazon has released its first ever big-budget PC game. The game is called Crucible. It is a science-fiction shooter game. 网上...
3.新奇事件簿 汽车租赁公司赫兹申请破产
The car rental company Hertz has filed for bankruptcy protection in the US after plummeting rentals. 由于租赁收入暴跌,美国汽车租赁公司赫兹申请破产保...
4.新奇事件簿 意大利女士抽中毕加索画作
A woman in Italy has suddenly become the owner of a Pablo Picasso painting. Claudia Borgogno, 58, won the Picasso in a charity raffle. 意大利一名女子...
5.新奇事件簿 日本游乐园内禁止尖叫
A group of amusement park operators in Japan has released guidelines about visitors screaming in their parks. 日本游乐园开发商发布了关于游客在游乐园尖...
6.新奇事件簿 非洲联盟强烈谴责弗洛伊德遇害
The killing of George Floyd in the city of Minneapolis on May the 25th has reverberated across the world. 5月25日,乔治弗洛伊德在明尼阿波利斯市被杀,...
7.新奇事件簿 经典回归 福特野马Mach 1
The U.S. motor vehicle manufacturer Ford Motor Company is bringing back its legendary Mustang Mach 1 car. The classic, high-power sports car was first...
8.新奇事件簿 科学家发现了世界上最干净的空气
Scientists have discovered what they believe to be the cleanest air on Earth. Researchers from Colorado State University and the Australian Bureau of ...
9.新奇事件簿 全球各地爆发BLM抗议活动
Black Lives Matter protests have spread around the world after the death two weeks ago of George Floyd, an unarmed and handcuffed black man. 两周前,...
10.新奇事件簿 比利时国王雕像被拆除
A statue of a former Belgian king was covered in paint and then pulled down by anti-racism protestors. The statue was of King Leopold II, who was King...