1.新奇事件簿 英超球员上赛季收入37亿美元
Football players in the UK's Premier League clubs were paid over $3.7 billion last season. An annual report on football finances showed a 15 percent i...
2.新奇事件簿 伦敦警察逮捕千名抗议者
The police in London have arrested more than 1,000 protestors in the past week. Many of central London's busiest areas have been brought to a standsti...
3.新奇事件簿 斯里兰卡爆炸导致至少207人死亡
At least 207 people have been killed and 450 hurt in separate explosions in Sri Lanka. The government said suicide bombers were responsible for the bo...
4.新奇事件簿 英雄父亲从野狗口中救下婴儿
A father in Australia is being hailed as a hero after saving his baby son from the jaws of a wild dingo. The baby was dragged from his campervan on Au...
5.新奇事件簿 巴黎圣母院重建
People have donated over one billion dollars to help rebuild the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris. The 850-year-old cathedral was badly damaged in a fire...
6.新奇事件簿 日本开始取出福岛核燃料棒
The Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) has started removing fuel rods from Japan's stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. Tepco is the compan...
7.新奇事件簿 《星球大战9:天行者崛起》
There is good news for fans of the Star Wars movies. There will be another episode. It will be the ninth film to be made. The name of the new Star War...
8.新奇事件簿 天文学家首次拍到黑洞
Astronomers have taken the first ever photograph of a black hole. It is located in a far, distant galaxy called M87, which is 500 million trillion km ...
9.新奇事件簿 爱彼迎宾馆惊现隐藏摄像头
A family from New Zealand had a shock when they stayed at a hotel in Ireland. There was a hidden camera in their hotel room. The camera was live-strea...
10.新奇事件簿 催熟奶酪的最佳音乐
Scientists have discovered a bizarre link between music and cheese. Different genres of music affect the way cheese matures. A top Swiss cheese-maker ...