1.新奇事件簿 新研究表明发自拍增加自恋风险
Using social media too much and posting many selfies have caused a rise in narcissism, according to a new study. Narcissism is when someone becomes ve...
2.新奇事件簿 英国组织要求禁止变态奶昔
There are calls in the UK to ban the latest phenomenon to shock health and nutrition experts. The campaign group Action on Sugar wants to ban the frea...
3.新奇事件簿 特雷莎·梅的脱欧协议保卫战
The UK Prime Minister Theresa May is battling to save the Brexit divorce deal with the European Union, and her job. The Brexit agreement is in danger ...
4.新奇事件簿 猫王被授予总统自由勋章
The legendary rock 'n' roll singer Elvis Presley has been posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, 41 years after his death. Presley is...
5.新奇事件簿 人类孕育之旅雕塑在卡塔尔揭幕
A new artwork has been unveiled in Doha, Qatar. The new artwork was created by the British artist Damien Hirst. He is famous for his art installations...
6.新奇事件簿 茶还是咖啡?看基因怎么说
New research suggests that our DNA helps us to decide whether we prefer coffee or tea. Researchers from the University of Queensland in Australia stud...
7.新奇事件簿 缓解全球变暖新方法?
Scientists have come up with a revolutionary new idea to save planet Earth from global warming. Geo-engineers from Harvard University believe that spr...
8.新奇事件簿 一周工作多少个小时才能改变世界
One of the world's most successful business leaders, Elon Musk, has said that people need to work from around 80 to over 100 hours per week to change ...
9.新奇事件簿 雷鬼音乐成为全球文化宝藏
Reggae music has become a global cultural treasure. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has added reggae to ...
10.新奇事件簿 文明的摇篮—阿尔及利亚?
For many decades, scientists believed the earliest humans originated in East Africa. This belief has changed because of a collection of 2.4-million-ye...