1.Alien Neighbors 寻访外星人 1
2042 A.D., powerful orbiting telescopes scour the heavens for signs of life. They focus on a dim yellow globe. Spectrum analyser results, negative, no...
2.Alien Neighbors 寻访外星人 2
From a planet.......let me get out of here....stay where you are.... Humanoid aliens have been good business in the 20th century. B moviemakers in par...
3.Alien Neighbors 寻访外星人 3
Launched in 1977, Voyager II explored the outer planets and their weird moons, moving ever deeper into space, into regions completely mysterious to us...
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...in Mars. Although it was completely wrong about Mars and everything he said about Mars practically was wrong. But, he built up interest in the plan...
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Understanding how life got going on our own planet will help us target where we look for it in space, both within the solar system and beyond. Biophys...
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.....green plants ultimately. When it first appeared therefore, it would have been seen as a poison, it would have been a pollutant. But gradually, th...
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“And so with Magellan we’ve got the first chance, one of the first chances, ok, to really get a complete map and view of it.” The Venusian landscap...
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(NASA Administrator Dan) Golden accepts that the search for life on Mars is not over. "If we wanna find out what Mars is like, what its weather patter...
9.Alien Neighbors 寻访外星人 9
He wears gloves and cleans his tools with alcohol to avoid contaminating the ancient salt samples with modern microorganisms. "The salt round about us...
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…cold conditions that earth has to offer. Professor Freeman believes these rugged microorganisms are probably capable of surviving on Mars. Mars is c...