1.Wild Europe - Genesis 肇始之初- 1
Europe, an ancient continent. Within its borders lies unrivalled richness of both natural and human wonders. At its northern limits, Europe reaches in...
2.Wild Europe - Genesis 肇始之初- 2
And at other times, they'd have looked more like Africa's Serengeti Plains. More than 15 millions years ago, what is now Vienna and Paris would have b...
3.Wild Europe - Genesis 肇始之初- 3
In the east, another ancient range, the Urals , separates Europe from Asia. Both these ranges are evidence of Europe's earliest formation, the results...
4.Wild Europe - Genesis 肇始之初- 4
This was no ordinary forest. What looked like trees were in fact giant fern s, horsetails and club mosses , the fossils of which have been exquisitely...
5.Wild Europe - Genesis 肇始之初- 5
It took a ten-meter layer of fallen rain forest to make just a one-meter seam of coal. When you consider the depth of all the seams in all the coalfie...
6.Wild Europe - Genesis 肇始之初- 6
Parts of Pangaea were periodically flooded by shallow seas. But time and again this water evaporated, leaving layer upon layer of salt. Today these ma...
7.Wild Europe - Genesis 肇始之初- 7
And when this rock was quarried , it also revealed traces of real monsters, the bones of huge dinosaurs. 117 million years ago, Oxford was a real-life...
8.Wild Europe - Genesis 肇始之初- 8
They make perfect roof tiles, but these tiles occasionally reveal something extraordinary. Perfect snapshot s from 115 million years ago, back then, S...
9.Wild Europe - Genesis 肇始之初- 9
..As they died they slowly sank, settling in layers on the seafloor. Through time they formed these cliffs in an ocean that was up to 300 meters deepe...
10.Wild Europe - Genesis 肇始之初- 10
It's the fossilized resin of ancient pine trees. And trapped within it, are perfectly preserved souvenirs, each fragment helping to build a picture of...