1.FBI - 揭密联邦调查局 - 1
Tonight on Best Kept Secrets, we go inside one of the world's most secretive crime-fighting organizations, the Federal Bureau of Investigation. How do...
2.FBI - 揭密联邦调查局 - 2
Atlanta, Georgia, a terrorist bomb explodes in Centennial Olympic Park, killing one woman and injuring hundreds. North Caldwell, New Jersey, an advert...
3.FBI - 揭密联邦调查局 - 3
Back at the explosives lab, examiners use a high-tech instrument called a Raman spectrometer, a device that determines if a package contains explosive...
4.FBI - 揭密联邦调查局 - 4
Unlike the fertilizer bomb used in Oklahoma City, device analysis reveals that the New Jersey bomb is made from common household items. The problem is...
5.FBI - 揭密联邦调查局 - 5
If threw these nails out into the crowd, extremely deadly shrapnel. Once the FBI knows what materials were used to build the bomb and how it was conce...
6.FBI - 揭密联邦调查局 - 6
How does the bureau use informants to bring dangerous criminals to justice? They have several top-secret strategies which we are about to reveal. FBI ...
7.FBI - 揭密联邦调查局 - 7
Despite the risk, Spence allows the FBI to rig a video camera in the dashboard of his truck. Here, the hidden camera records one of the suspects descr...
8.FBI - 揭密联邦调查局 - 8
The FBI agents race in from every direction. Thanks to the FBI's use of a secret informant, the bombing conspiracy is foiled and the suspects are put ...
9.FBI - 揭密联邦调查局 - 9
Boylan believes that a witness's memory is as crucial to a case as any physical evidence. What I would ultimately want would be for police to really p...
10.FBI - 揭密联邦调查局 - 10
Boylan interviews the girls separately, probing their memory for clues. She does not interrogate them, but engages them in casual conversation. Her qu...