1.Supermassive Black Holes 超大质量黑洞 - 11
Those stars don't feel the black hole. They feel the rest of the stars in the galaxy. They don't know or care that the black hole is there. If you too...
2.Supermassive Black Holes 超大质量黑洞 - 12
This correlation is the most important thing we've learned about supermassive black hole so far. Astronomers are always looking for correlations. When...
3.Supermassive Black Holes 超大质量黑洞 - 13
Silk realized that the energy from this newly formed quasar would create intense temperature changes in the surrounding gas. This would cause the gas ...
4.Supermassive Black Holes 超大质量黑洞 - 14
It means that Silk and Ree's theory may be right and if it is also right that supermassive black holes helped trigger star formation, then it must mea...
5.Supermassive Black Holes 超大质量黑洞 - 15
In January 2000, John Dubinski set out to calculate the final fate of our galaxy, the Milky Way, and that of our nearest neighbor, Andromeda. The Andr...