1.国家地理:Tornadoes 龙卷风
Call them twisters or tornadoes. They're nature's most violent storms with swirling winds that can top 300 miles per hour. About 800 twisters sweep th...
2.国家地理:South Pacific Surprise 走访东帝汶
Welcome to East Timor, one of the world's newest countries, and for the intrepid few, an emerging tourism destination with unspoiled natural beauty. A...
3.国家地理:Explorer: Inside North Korea 解码北韩
1:45 AM, the 38th parallel, along the border of North and South Korea. The 148-mile-long border is the most heavily militarized in the world. This joi...
4.国家地理:Real-Life CSI: Hunter & Hunted: Gator Attack 鳄鱼攻击
Almost ninety percent of all alligators die in their first two years of life, falling prey to other predators including their own. But normally they d...
5.国家地理:Planet Carnivore: Lions 动物星球: 狮子
On the southern edge of Ngorongoro Swamp, the lake cats have a new opportunity to make a big kill. Buffalo have poor vision. They are only 30 meters a...
6.国家地理:Animal Mating: Blue-Footed Boobies 蓝脚鲣鸟
The mating ritual of each species on Earth has certain, well, peculiarities. As you might tell it from the name of the species itself, blue-footed boo...
7.国家地理:Survive the Sahara 走险撒哈拉
For centuries, nomads and traders have made their way here. George is determined to follow in their footsteps. There is a timelessness about this plac...
8.国家地理:Explorer: Ultimate Shark 终极者——鲨鱼
What exactly is the power that drives nature's most famous jaws? In New Zealand, this great white shark drowned in a fisherman's net. And scientists K...
9.国家地理:Surviving Alcatraz 走险恶魔岛
During his days of crime, Darwin Coon was a reckless young man. He robbed five banks in the Midwest and escaped from the Nevada State Penitentiary. At...
10.国家地理:Leather Tanner 最辛苦的职业: 皮革鞣制
This tannery is infamous as the foulest-smelling place in all of Fez, Morocco. Tanning hides may be dirty and smelly work, but somebody has to do it. ...