

时间:2009-06-15 06:21:43




Visceral Nervous System

abdominal aortic plexus 腹主动脉丛

aorticorenal ganglion 主动脉肾神经节

autonomic nervous system 自主神经系统

cardiac plexus 心丛

celiac ganglia 腹腔神经节

celiac plexus 腹腔丛

cervicothoracic ganglion 颈胸神经节

CGRP 降钙素基因相关肽

communicating branches 交通支

ENK 脑啡肽

external carotid plexus 颈外动脉丛

ganglia of sympathetic trunk 交感干神经节

ganglion impar 奇神经节

greater splanchnic nerve 内脏大神经

grey communicating branches 灰交通支

Head zones 海德带

hypogastric plexus 腹下丛

inferior cervecla ganglion 颈下神经节

inferior mesenteric ganglia 肠系膜下神经节

interganglionic branches 节间支

internal carotid plexus 颈内动脉丛

lesser splanchnic nerve 内脏小神经

lumbar splanchnic nerves 腰内脏神经

middle cervical ganglion 颈中神经节

NA 去甲肾上腺素

NPY 神经肽Y

parasympathetic nerve 副交感神经

paravertebral ganglion 椎旁神经节

pelvic plexus 盆丛

pelvic splanchnic nerve 盆内脏神经

pharyngeal plexus 咽丛

plexus of visceral nerve 内脏神经丛

postganglionic fiber 节后纤维

postganglionic neuron 节后神经元

preganglionic fiber 节前纤维

preganglionic neuron 节前神经元

stellate ganglion 星状神经节

subclavian plexus 锁骨下动脉丛

superior cervical ganglion 颈上神经节

superior mesenteric ganglia 肠系膜上神经节

sympathetic trunk 交感干

sympathetic nerve 交感神经

thoracic ganglia 胸神经节

vegetative nervous system 植物神经系统

vertebral plexus 椎动脉丛

VIP 血管活性肠肽

visceral motor nerve 内脏运动神经

visceral nervous system 内脏神经系统

visceral sensory nerve 内脏感觉神经

white communicating branches 白交通支


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