
听电影学英语-蒸发的摩根夫妇 03

时间:2011-03-09 05:51:08



  [00:03.88]You did something wrong. 一定是你做错什么事
[00:12.60]Here comes the rain. 下雨了
[00:15.08]You slept with someone else, Paul. 保罗,是你有外遇的
[00:18.60]You are not good at talking about the weather. 你还真会在谈论天气时,岔开话题
[00:19.12]All right, it’s... 你要我谈天气?
[00:21.80]It’s overcast1 with 100% chance of precipitation. 现在是多云,且降雨机率100%
[00:27.48]- You slept with someone else. - I am sorry. -你跟别人乱搞  -我很抱歉
[00:30.16]I was confused. I was an idiot. I was wrong. 我很无力,我是蠢蛋,我做错了
[00:35.00]I made a terrible mistake. I love you. 我犯了一个可怕的错误 但我爱你
[00:39.04]Do you still love me at all? 你还爱我吗
[00:45.40]I don’t know if I can sort of love you or love you a little. 我不知道自己是否还有一点爱你 还是真的爱你
[00:51.60]Well, I’m fine with it. 好吧,既然如此的话
[00:53.92]Honestly, I can get by with a little less love for a while. Maybe years. 其实只要有一点,也很好啊 我可以先忍受好几年再说
[00:58.28]That’s not me. 对我来讲行不通
[01:05.64]I have to go. I have the meeting. 我该走了,我得开会
[01:12.48]Look, I just think we should give Dr. Tobin a chance. 等等, 我觉得我们该试试看托比医生

[01:15.68]- You know... - Hey, there’s my client. -或许┅  -那是我的客户
[01:19.04]What is he doing in the rain without an umbrella? 他怎么没撑伞
[01:21.52]What are we doing in the rain without an umbrella? 我们也没撑伞呢
[01:26.88]Mr. Rabelais? 罗先生?
[01:30.08]Mister... 先生?
[01:31.56]God! 天啊
[01:52.48]- Run! - Stop! -快跑  -等等
[01:56.16]- Get in! - What is your problem? -到这里来  -你在做什么
[01:57.68]- I almost ran you over! - There’s a man up there with a gun! -我差点压扁你  -那个男的有枪
[02:04.04]The man who was murdered tonight, Girard Rabelais, 今晚被害的吉格罗先生
[02:04.88]was an international arms dealer2. 其实是国际军火商
[02:08.88]The FBI was moving in to convict him, FBI正准备逮捕他
[02:09.56]so Rabelais was working with us to capture this man, 罗先生是我们的眼线
[02:13.40]Anton Forenski. 为了抓这位佛伦斯基
[02:17.92]And we think that’s why Forenski had him killed. 我们认为是佛伦斯基派人杀他的
[02:18.28]We find the murderer, maybe he leads us to Forenski. 我们已经找到凶手 他或许可以给我们些佛伦斯基的线索
[02:23.76]And you’re gonna be our star witnesses. 所以你们要当我们的证人
[02:25.12]But right now, I just wanna concentrate on keeping you safe. 不过现在最重要的是保护你们的安全
[02:31.00]- This guy’s still out there. - Yeah, but he doesn’t know who we are. -凶手仍逍遥法外  -是没错,但他又不知道我们是谁
[02:31.32]What do you mean, "safe"? 你是什么意思

  [02:34.68]I’m gonna give you 24-hour protection at your apartment anyway. 我还是得派警力24小时驻守你家
[02:40.00]Well, we don’t live together. 我们不住在一起
[02:42.84]He’s at a hotel ’cause we’re separated. 他现在住在饭店,因为我们分居中
[02:44.20]My wife and I see someone once a week. 我老婆和我每个星期 都会去看心理医生
[02:47.56]It’s not, by any chance, Dr. Tobin, is it? 该不会是托比医生吧
[02:53.88]I know it’s been a rough night, so get some rest, 我知道这一切都很难熬, 不过你们先回家休息
[02:53.92]and I’ll talk to both of you tomorrow. 我明天再跟你们会面
[02:56.08]- Okay. - Right. -好  -嗯
[02:56.40]- Mrs. Morgan. - Yes? -摩根小姐?  -怎么?
[02:57.76]This is Marshal Henderson. He’ll be taking care of you. 这位是韩警员,他是你的保镳
[03:01.76]- Hello. - Ma’am. -你好  -夫人
[03:04.28]Do you want me to stay tonight? 你要我陪你吗
[03:06.80]No, no. I think I’m gonna be fine with Marshal Henderson. 不用,我想有韩先生在 我很安全
[03:10.80]If you think he can handle it. Well... 如果你这么认为的话
[03:12.80]Mrs. Morgan, I have your car right over here. 摩根小姐,你的车在这
[03:17.48]- Well, good night. - Good night. Good... Yeah. -好吧,晚安  -晚┅安罗
[03:19.16]Mr. Morgan, Marshal Ferber. 摩根先生,这位是费警员
[03:23.68]- Evening, sir. - Evening. Evening. -晚安 -喔,晚安
[03:27.36]You’re in good hands. 你会安全没事的
[03:29.36]Yes. Yes, I’m sure. I’m sure. 是啊,是啊
[03:31.04]Yeah, it’s done. 就这样
[03:33.56]That is good news, Vincent. We’ll meet tomorrow on the island. 文森,那太好了 我们明天在曼哈顿见
[03:41.24]No problem. 好的
[03:49.64]Hello? Hi, Marshal Lasky. 喂?赖警员吗?
[03:56.48]You’re gonna send someone to relieve Marshal Henderson. 你得派人来跟韩警员交替一下
[03:58.00]That’s good, because, you know, he’s been out there all night. 很好,因为他待在外面一整晚了
[03:59.68]He must be... 他一定很┅
[04:01.32]Can you hold on just a second? My intercom is ringing. 等等,有人按门铃
[04:03.36]Okay, I’m just gonna put you on hold. Okay. 我要先保留你的来电.嗯好
[04:07.88]Coming. 来了
[04:12.04]Hi, Mike. 嗨麦克
[04:14.08]Yep, okay. Thank you. 嗯好,谢谢
[04:18.08]Thank you. 谢谢
[04:21.60]Hi. So I guess your guy’s already here, 喂. 你们已经派人来了
[04:22.76]because the doorman said they just sent a police officer up. 因为楼下的门房说 刚刚有个警察上来了
[04:29.12]What? 什么?
[04:35.16]Hey, how you doing? 你好吗
[04:38.00]Okay, okay. Okay. 好,好,好
[04:40.16]- Get back inside! - What... -退后  -什么?
[04:47.20]Oh, my God. 天啊
[04:49.88]Oh, my God! 妈啊



1 overcast cJ2xV     
  • The overcast and rainy weather found out his arthritis.阴雨天使他的关节炎发作了。
  • The sky is overcast with dark clouds.乌云满天。
2 dealer GyNxT     
  • The dealer spent hours bargaining for the painting.那个商人为购买那幅画花了几个小时讨价还价。
  • The dealer reduced the price for cash down.这家商店对付现金的人减价优惠。

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