
听电影学英语-蒸发的摩根夫妇 11

时间:2011-03-09 06:00:10



  [00:13.84]There you go. 去吧
[00:15.20]- Blew its head off. - That was good. -杀很大  -太棒了
[00:17.88]- Wow, it’s very, very loud. - Yeah. Yeah. -很大声耶  -对啊
[00:19.40]No, no, no. ’Cause I got two more cans. 喔可是我还有两个罐头没射
[00:23.88]I’m just gonna cock the gun for you. 我来帮你上扳机
[00:24.24]Fascinating. A week ago, she was basically Amish. 太精彩了, 一个礼拜前他还是绿色和平组织的
[00:27.60]- All right. It’s loaded and ready to go. - Okay. Yeah, I know. Okay. -好了,可以了  -我要去了
[00:30.60]Keep your finger off the trigger till you’re ready. 在准备好之前不要扣板机
[00:42.48]- I think it’s my turn now, isn’t it? - No, no, no, I’m not done yet. -该我了吧  -不,我又还没好
[00:42.96]Missed. 没打中
[00:45.48]- I’m not done. I’m on a roll. - You’ve had two bullets, now it’s my turn. -我还没完成一局  -你都射两发了,该我了
[00:45.64]I think you’ll find it’s my turn. 是该轮到我了
[00:50.48]This thing is loaded. 这上膛了
[00:53.84]I’m gonna have to give you two an NRA class. 我该教导你们上一堂步枪课
[00:56.20]- Paul’s turn. - Thank you. -换保罗  -谢谢

[00:57.20]You’re rude. Selfish. 真自私
[01:00.20]- Just do like your wife did. - Right, thank you. -就跟她做的一样  -谢谢
[01:06.24]Get a hold of it, relax. 放轻松去做
[01:12.76]Just relax. Find your target. Take a deep breath. Squeeze easy. 放轻松,瞄准目标,深呼吸
[01:16.96]Bollocks. God in heaven, that hurt. Agony. 天杀的,我的老天爷,好痛喔
[01:22.28]- Missed. - Absolute agony. -没打中  -痛死了
[01:23.64]Could you take that for me just a second? I think I’ve really done some damage. 你可以帮我拿一下吗? 我想我真的伤到了
[01:27.96]- Meryl, I think I have a welt. - What? -梅莉,我瘀青了  -什么?
[01:29.48]Quite a big welt. 红肿到不行
[01:30.32]Look at that. Do you see that? 你看,有看到吗
[01:31.68]- Yes, it’s quite big. - Purple. Ugly. Like a little map of Ireland. -还满大的  -都紫青了,变成爱尔兰岛的形状了
[01:37.00]Yeah, real easy to hurt your shoulder shooting a rifle. 来福枪很容易伤到肩膀
[01:38.68]I didn’t. 我可没有
[01:39.52]Could you just wait outside? Play with a toy? Thank you. 你可以在外面等吗? 玩玩具或什么的?谢了
[01:45.04]You ever shoot before, Meryl? 你之前有玩过吗
[01:49.24]Nope. Never held a gun before in my life. 没有,我一生从来没拿过枪
[01:50.08]Although I could’ve used one during some tense negotiations1 at work. 虽然我发现在某些工作场合上 有枪会满方便的
[01:53.60]I’m a real estate broker2. 我是房地产经纪人

  [01:56.44]My mom is getting on and she’s moving in with me. 我妈要搬来和我一起住
[01:56.60]- You kidding? - No. -真的吗?  -真的
[02:01.28]I can’t get any bites on her house. 我都不晓得要怎么处理她房子
[02:07.32]Well, it’s lovely. 还不错唷
[02:09.48]But, you know, when the market’s like this, 不过房地产这种事
[02:12.84]you really need to focus more on presentation. 你得好好想想要怎么宣传
[02:16.68]I mean, just, you know, just off of the top of my head, 嗯只是个人一点意见,
[02:17.84]I think maybe the chair that’s sitting on the front lawn, 我觉得院子前的椅子
[02:22.36]but have you ever considered moving it inside the house? 但你要不要考虑,把它搬到房子里面
[02:27.04]No. 是哦
[02:28.08]Well, just think about it. It’s... 对啊,你考虑看看
[02:30.24]- I will. - Okay. -好的  -就这么办
[02:33.24]Would you mind coming out and taking a look at the place? 你可否来实际看看房子呢
[02:36.44]Not at all. 好啊
[02:37.92]Can you spare her, Paul? 保罗我可以跟你借她吗
[02:38.28]Yeah, absolutely. Yes, I’m used to being separated. 好啊,反正我分居分惯了
[02:43.44]The shoulder, I mean. Shoulder. 不过我的肩膀
[02:45.28]That’s not separated. 还没分开啦
[02:46.12]It’s a tiny little bruise3. Wouldn’t hurt a schoolgirl. 只是点瘀青,小女孩也没在怕的
[02:52.32]- Hi there. Hey. - Hey. -你好  -你好
[02:56.52]How’s your arm feeling? 手臂如何?
[02:58.84]It’s nothing. It’s nothing. I just went to the doc ’cause Meryl was so worried. 喔其实没什么啦, 是梅莉坚持要我去看医生的
[03:03.68]Can I give you a hand, there? 要我帮忙吗
[03:05.04]- If you’re up to it. - Yeah, no problem. -如果你想的话  -当然



1 negotiations af4b5f3e98e178dd3c4bac64b625ecd0     
协商( negotiation的名词复数 ); 谈判; 完成(难事); 通过
  • negotiations for a durable peace 为持久和平而进行的谈判
  • Negotiations have failed to establish any middle ground. 谈判未能达成任何妥协。
2 broker ESjyi     
  • He baited the broker by promises of higher commissions.他答应给更高的佣金来引诱那位经纪人。
  • I'm a real estate broker.我是不动产经纪人。
3 bruise kcCyw     
  • The bruise was caused by a kick.这伤痕是脚踢的。
  • Jack fell down yesterday and got a big bruise on his face.杰克昨天摔了一跤,脸上摔出老大一块淤斑。

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