
VOA慢速英语2011--Mavericks, Bruins Are Champs in a Busy S

时间:2011-06-18 06:13:47



IN THE NEWS - Mavericks1, Bruins Are Champs in a Busy Sports Week

新闻报道 - 达拉斯小牛队和波士顿棕熊队分获NBA和NHL总决赛冠军
This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.
Hockey, basketball and golf were all in the news this week.
In the National Hockey League, the Boston Bruins won the Stanley Cup. The Bruins defeated the Vancouver Canucks four to nothing in the seventh and final game of their championship series.
Some Vancouver fans rioted2 after the Canucks lost the game in their home city.
Others condemned3 the violence:
MAN: "This is wrong for the city. This is not the reputation we want. After the Olympics we did so much to bring this city to where it is today. And this is what we do now? This is not what the city wants. This is not what the people want. I'm embarrassed."
The Canadian city hosted the Winter Olympics last year. The Canucks had the best team record during the regular season. But Vancouver has never won the Stanley Cup.
This is the first championship since nineteen seventy-two for Boston -- one of the oldest teams in the NHL. Goalie Tim Thomas was named the most valuable player of the series.
这是NHL历史最悠久的球队之一的波士顿棕熊队自1972年以来的首个冠军。其守门员蒂姆·托马斯(Tim Thomas)被评为总决赛最有价值球员(简称MVP)。
In the National Basketball Association4, the Dallas Mavericks defeated the Miami Heat for the NBA championship. Many people considered the Heat the favorites because of players like Lebron James and Chris Bosh. But Dallas won the series four games to two. Dallas' Dirk Nowitzki played although he was sick. He was chosen the most valuable player of the series.
而在美国职业篮球联赛(以下简称NBA)中,达拉斯小牛队击败迈阿密热队获得NBA总冠军。许多人都由于勒布朗·詹姆斯(Lebron James)和克里斯·波什(Chris Bosh)等球员喜欢上热队。但小牛队4:2赢得了总决赛。小牛队球员德克·诺维茨基(Dirk Nowitzki)带病上阵。他被评为总决赛最有价值球员。
In golf, the US Open championship is being played this week at the Congressional Country Club in Bethesda, Maryland, near Washington. The defending champion, Graeme McDowell of Northern Ireland, won the event last year at Pebble5 Beach, California.
Tiger Woods is missing6 his first US Open since nineteen ninety-five. He is out with leg injuries.
老虎伍兹(Tiger Woods)自1995年以来首次错过美国公开赛。他由于腿伤退赛。
The US Open is one of the four major events in golf. And for the first time, since nineteen ninety-four, all four championships are held by golfers from outside the United States.
Germany's Martin Kaymer won the PGA Championship last year. South Africa's Louis Oosthuizen won the British Open. And South African Charl Schwartzel won the Masters in April.
德国的马丁·凯梅尔(Martin Kaymer)赢得了去年的美国PGA锦标赛(即美国职业高尔夫球锦标赛)冠军。南非的路易·乌修仁(Louis Oosthuizen)赢得了(去年的)英国公开赛冠军,同样来自南非的查尔·舒瓦泽尔(Charl Schwartzel)今年四月份赢得了大师赛(又称名人赛)冠军。
The last American to win a major event was Phil Mickelson -- at the Masters last year. Mickelson says he is not worried about American golfers. He says a lot of young players in the United States are improving.
最近一位赢得四大赛事的美国球员是菲尔·米克尔森(Phil Mickelson),他去年赢得大师赛冠军。米克尔森表示,他并不担心美国球员,美国许多年轻球员正在成长。
PHIL MICKELSON: "We have a plethora7 of great players coming up, but it's obvious that world golf as a whole has become so much stronger, and that international and European golf has become world class and top notch8 and some of the best players in the world and certainly on the rankings right now. So although international golf has really taken off, American golf is still in very good shape."
President Obama has invited the speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner, to play golf on Saturday. No one expects them to settle their disagreements on issues like the economy, health care or the military action in Libya. But White House Press Secretary Jay Carney says they may be able to work together better in the future.
周六,奥巴马总统邀请了众议院议长约翰·博纳(John Boehner)一起打高尔夫。没人看好他们能够解决他们在经济、医保或利比亚军事行动上的分歧。但白宫新闻秘书杰伊·卡尼(Jay Carney)表示,也许他们将来可以更好地合作。
JAY CARNEY: "Spending a number of hours together in that kind of environment, I think, can only help improve the chances of bipartisan cooperation. It certainly cannot hurt it. Unless someone wins really big, and then ... [Laughter]"
卡尼:“在那种环境下共渡几个小时,我想它只会有助于提高,而不会有损于两党合作机会。除非有人(在高尔夫球场上)赢得太多,然后... ...(众人大笑)。”
Don Van Natta wrote a book about American presidents and their golf games. He says it is highly9 unusual for a president to invite a political opponent10 to join him on the golf links.
唐·范·纳塔(Don Van Natta)写了一本关于美国总统和高尔夫的书。他说,总统邀请政治对手一起打高尔夫非同寻常。
DON VAN NATTA: "The closest example in history is Lyndon Baines Johnson, who played with senators11 from the opposing party who he wanted to lobby12 to vote for the civil rights legislation13 in the mid-sixties."
And that's IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English. I'm Steve Ember.
Contributing: Parke Brewer and Dan Robinson



1 mavericks 3ac87f645e7e17c0410306b33eb282f6     
未烙印的牲畜( maverick的名词复数 ); 标新立异的人,不合常规的人
  • And what about the Dallas Mavericks and Dirk Nowitzki? 那达拉斯小牛队和诺维斯基呢?
  • And we see it with bringing Jason Kidd to the Dallas Mavericks. 而且我们看到它同实现基德向达拉斯小牛队。
2 rioted 3d94c1d10ccd762dde793533067311d7     
暴动,闹事( riot的过去式和过去分词 )
  • These people rolled in wealth and rioted in debauchery. 这些人钱财很多,过着荒淫的生活。
  • The discontented crowd rioted. 不满的群众暴动起来。
3 condemned condemned     
adj. 被责难的, 被宣告有罪的 动词condemn的过去式和过去分词
  • He condemned the hypocrisy of those politicians who do one thing and say another. 他谴责了那些说一套做一套的政客的虚伪。
  • The policy has been condemned as a regressive step. 这项政策被认为是一种倒退而受到谴责。
4 association 6O1yp     
  • Our long association with your company has brought great benefits.我方和贵公司的长期合作带来了巨大的利益。
  • I broke away from the association ten years ago.我10年前就脱离了那个团体。
5 pebble c3Rzo     
  • The bird mistook the pebble for egg and tried to hatch it.这只鸟错把卵石当蛋,想去孵它。
  • The pebble made a ripple on the surface of the lake.石子在湖面上激起一个涟漪。
6 missing 3nTzx7     
  • Check the tools and see if anything is missing.检点一下工具,看有无丢失。
  • All the others are here;he's the only one missing.别人都来了,就短他一个。
7 plethora 02czH     
  • Java comes with a plethora of ready-made types.Java配套提供了数量众多的现成类型。
  • A plethora of new operators will be allowed to enter the market.大批新的运营商将获准进入该市场。
8 notch P58zb     
  • The peanuts they grow are top-notch.他们种的花生是拔尖的。
  • He cut a notch in the stick with a sharp knife.他用利刃在棒上刻了一个凹痕。
9 highly XdFxR     
  • It is highly important to provide for the future.预先做好准备非常重要。
  • The teacher speaks very highly of the boy's behaviour.老师称赞这个男孩的表现。
10 opponent HIoxQ     
  • The boxer gave his opponent a punch on the nose.这个拳击手朝他对手的鼻子上猛击一拳。
  • After a fierce struggle,he got a beat on his opponent.经过殊死的较量,他占了对手的上风。
11 senators 1181a181f18e7836f23146bc18668881     
n.参议员( senator的名词复数 )
  • When the senators vote, the ayes will have it. 参议员投票时,投赞成票的人将占多数。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The committee concluded that the senators had engaged in improper conduct. 委员会断定议员们从事了不正当活动。 来自《简明英汉词典》
12 lobby lobby     
  • As he walked through the lobby,he skirted a group of ladies.他穿过门厅时,绕过了一群女士。
  • The delegates entered the assembly hall by way of the lobby.代表们通过大厅进入会场。
13 legislation q9uzG     
  • They began to draft legislation.他们开始起草法规。
  • The liberals band together against the new legislation.自由党员联合一致反对新的立法。

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