CNN 2011-07-01
时间:2011-08-08 06:07:37
All right, checking top stories, the Los Angeles Dodgers1 have filed for bankruptcy2 and the team will continue to operate during reorganization but will probably be sold.
Three days after that tractor trailer truck slammed into an Amtrak train in Nevada. At least 20 people are still unaccounted for. Six people were killed in that crash.
As you just saw on CNN, Michele Bachmann officially running for president, and the congresswoman actually just made that announcement from Waterloo, Iowa, her birth place.
Political buzz now, your rapid fire look at the hottest political topics of the day. Three questions, 20 seconds on the clock. And playing today, Democratic pollster, Cornell Belcher, Sirius XM political talk show host and
comedian3 Pete Dominick and conservative talk show host, Dana Loesch.
First question guys, Andrew Cuomo legalizes same-sex marriage in New York, gay
activists4 already talking about 2016 now and the presidential run.
Well, I guess that solves the 9.1% unemployment rate and high energy prices. I mean, I look at those who talking about running Cuomo as a serious presidential contender and I have to think it's a little bit political
naive5 because we all forget, maybe - well, I don't - maybe some of us do, this is the same Andrew Cuomo that was secretary of HUD and convinced Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to get all of these low-interest loans to people who couldn't afford them and boom we had the housing crisis. We had the economy crash, all of this. No, no, no, we can't have this guy. We cannot have this guy.
Look, I think 2016 is a long ways away. However, I mean if you look at what he's been doing in New York, bringing
Democrats6 together and Republicans together not only sort to move
contentious7 legislation through in this manner. I think it speaks well. I mean, the American people like that idea of bringing people together and move legislation through. He's done that. He's been successful at that. I think he's a contender in 2016, although it's a long ways away.
All right. Pete?
Kyra, you've asked me to speculate on who's appealing in 2016. I will not play this game, Kyra. I think the names we are thinking in 2016 might as well be Mr. Spacely and George Jetson.
Come on, you have an opinion, Pete.
They should be Dionne Warwick and the
Psychic8 Friends Network. We don't know who's running next month, Kyra. Maybe you will be president! President Phillips. That's what I speculate.
Oh, that's a scary thought. All the skeletons out of the closet, I don't think so. Be like you running for president, Pete. All right. Newt Gingrich and Michele Bachmann.
I can do the negative attack ads now.
Yes, exactly. You and I against each other, who would be worse? Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann said in the recent weeks President Obama hasn't done enough for African-Americans. Exit polls show Obama took 95% of the black vote in 2008. So could their support really be up for grabs in 2012? Dana.
I don't know. I think it's - it would be very difficult to say it wouldn't be considering that when this president took office, black unemployment was at - I think, what 11% and now it's at 16%, over 16%? I mean you have to look at the fundamentals here. There is a huge amount of job loss in the black community from a president who was going to bring hope and change. Jesse Jackson is even saying, "I don't see it happening." The guy with that National Black
Chamber9 of Commerce even said this guy is against business.
Dana, you kept the extra five seconds! Look at her! I have to give you a little bit more then, Cornell.
I'm talkative today.
I mean, look, our economy was in a nose dive when the president came in. But the campaign is not going to take any vote for granted. They're going to work hard for the African-American vote like they're going to work hard for every vote. But I want to
veer11 off for a second. You tell me Newt Gingrich and Michele Bachmann are the ones bringing this charge because Newt Gingrich and Michele Bachmann have such credibility in the minority community. I mean, really? Really? Come on!
Pete? Really?
Well, the truth is this president hasn't done enough. They're right, Newt Gingrich and Michele Bachmann, for African-Americans. This Congressional Black
Caucus12 would be the first to say so. But I mean, Michele Bachmann and Newt Gingrich pointing this out? Cornell is right. That'd be like Reverend Al Sharpton advocating for higher salaries for CEOs, It's ridiculous and no, they're not going to get any black support, Newt Gingrich or Michele Bachmann.
All right,
Buzzer13 Beater, guys. Ten seconds to answer this one. Fox News anchor Chris Wallace asked Michele Bachmann if she's a
flake14. Then he quickly apologizes. So does Bachmann benefit by being under estimated? Cornell?
Yes, she does. And by the way, she is a bit of a flake, but that doesn't disqualify her for being a
nomination15. She's been underestimated; it's going to benefit her a lot. She's going to be one of the last two or three people
standing16 in the Republican primary.
I sort of agree with Cornell. God help me, I agree with Cornell a little bit in that she is underestimated. But if we're going to judge what people say in terms of flubs as a measurement as to whether or not they're a flake, then we need to look at what the president says because he has a lot of gas as well.
I mean, this is hilarious. It gets her base riled up. She's probably underestimated. But Kyra and everybody America, listen. If you're Rick Santorum or Michele Bachmann or any other candidate for president that doesn't believe in science, you should absolutely be disqualified. Disqualified. That buzzer should go to you.
Dana, Pete. Don't ever be sorry, Pete. Thanks, guys.