CNN 2011-07-16
时间:2011-08-08 06:52:06
We begin this morning with one of the most powerful media empires of the world rocked by a scandal that grows deeper and wider.two more Rupert Murdoch's newspapers in Britain now face their own accusations1 of a ..wrongdoing there are reported targets no less than the royal family and former prime minister,in face Brown says the papers had links to criminals in order to hack2 into its.. accounts and the medical records of his seriously ill son.While members of parliament are demanding tough answers from police how did they not uncover a hacking3 conspiracy4 that can mushroom to thousands of victims.
Let's get the Daniel is live Danie development just minutes ago
apparently5 British lawmakers asking Murdoch and his son to testify
Yeah,I mean this is a pretty incredible development ..perhaps given the huge for we all hear about the whole scandal,but Rupert and James Murdoch and the chief executive of news international Rebehak
Brooks6 have all been appear before what's called the select committee here which it's a committee over members of parliament of politicians here who can question people about particular issue,now police involved in the current
inquiry7 and the past inquiry have been questioned by similar committed this morning it's pretty ..they get here... aggressive's big block on the call room across the examination it's not the's the party of the parliamentary system here ,whether they can be forced to attend ,wow it's a kind of news point,news international saying the CNN executive will cooperate.they can be reported to the buildings behind me the ..comments if they don't cooperate .The problem is of course both Rupert and James Murdoch have US
citizenship8,I think Rupert Murdoch has Jew US and Australia citizenship so it's unclear whether he really can be forced to appear but the moment news international saying they will cooperate while that means Rupert Murdoch himself will attend up here for this...from these politicians we don't know ,but he dose it's gonna be incredible. because there are so many swallowing allegations about the paper that is organized paper is organization runs suggestions have links to criminal under well.illegal activities targeting everyone from 911 victims to murder victims to the royal family he is got a lot to answer if he does appear.Daniel live from London we'll talk more about this later in the hour could this scandal there in Great Britain impact Murdoch's Empire here in the US.
Back..the congressional leaders have turned to the White House in the negotiating rising the debt ceiling,the dead-line is three weeks from today, but the divided separating
Democrats9 and Republicans may be wider than ever.Dan is at the White House,Dan the president trying to
breach10 this divide dose he have the political cloud to pull it off.Wow he certainly trying to I mean that's why for the third day the round now he will be meeting with congressional leaders hoping that the deal can saw the president holding a pres conference he sits down for an interview with the CBS news today,the president is still pushing for a big deal,a comprehensive deal he is telling Republicans that he is willing to take the hit from his own parties because he is willing to put things such as entitlement programs on the table,he is urging Republicans to stand up to their well the bottom line the president does not want any kind of temporary agreement.but he believes it will only push the problem down on the road.I will not sign a 30-day, 60-day,90-day extension,it's just not acceptable approach,and if we think it's gonna be hard ,we think it's hard now,imagine how these guys are gonna be thinking,6 months from now in the mid-election season.when they are all ..It's not gonna easier it's gonna harder,so
remains11 what we do now ,pull off the ...Of course taxes remain the big staking point,the president though insisting that nothing will change before would not happen doing a difficult to economy and environment,but Hose speaker John saying that there is no reason to raise taxes in order to control spending,he believes the best way to get revenue is by improving the overall economy by creating jobs,he says he is willing to get deal down with Democrats in the White House,but in his words it takes to the tango and they are not here yet.