CNN 2011-08-21
时间:2011-09-08 05:44:02
They indeed found a manifesto1 written by Jared that outlined minute by minute what his actions we're going to be on the first day of school to include detonating explosive devices through the school. There were two individual faculty2 members that were specific targets, and then he also mentioned his desire to cause more casualties than were suffered at Columbine.
The "Wanted" creating the most controversial right now actually happened on the Facebook and basically two men in Cheshire were arrested, convicted and they now have been sentenced to four years in prison for
inciting3 a riot on Facebook. And what they've done basically is that they invited their friends to join them in what was called the "Samsh Down".
Apparently4 nobody showed up for this riot and looting but the police did. They found out about it and they arrested these two.
As you can see to the west, there are some clouds. We are all hoping for the best that the weather is going to bypass us, but there is a very good chance that it won't. Once the storm passes and everything is safe, we are going to try our best to come back and resume the show which we have every belief that that is going to happen. (這段如果沒有字幕,完全可以不必聽!)
We have to make sure that we prevent that from going forward. So how do you do that? Well, you do that by getting to the facts. You know, by getting to the truth. And, you know, how did this guy, if he did, how did he get around our players like that? And so I know, me, as a head coach, I want to know. And I know our assistant coaches want to know, because we want to make sure it never happens again. It shouldn't happen.