NPR 2011-09-16
时间:2011-10-08 05:59:05
From npr news in Washington, I am J.P.
A bipartisan group of senators became known of the summer as the gang of six reemerge today as a group of 36, npr’s TW reports that pushing a newly supercommittee pursuing a more ambitious goal for
deficit1 reduction. In the end, recommendation is made by the gang of 6 senators for
sweeping2 deficit reduction, will not made part of debt ceiling deal that burnt at the fort in Aug.
But budget committee chairman K.C. says the new supercommittee should now take a look at them. This is a message from a large group of senators to the special committee that will …be brave,be bold, go big. To which new …republican KA adds, show some courage, go for at least four trillion dollars that reduction over the next ten years. The supercommittee has still thinking giving to …at least 1.2 trillion dollars in deficit reduction. …,npr news, the capital.
…charges that Turkey has handled over army defect…authorities in the weak of Syrian state television announcing the anti-government group. Npr’s DA reports from… Syria’s official news agency prompted the broadcast what is called the
concessions3 of …he was the first army officer to public an announced desertion in June…. founded a movement encouraging other offiers to defect. His parents on Syria Television is a bloat to the …and gather …a boost,says…with a new American Foundation. It’s a message by .. to potential defectors about what’s going to happen to them,it’s a warning. Syria …says it’s also a .. acusing Turkey protect the army officer, to …have may no coments. DA,npr news, ..
Four people were
fouling4..the first time,job was the benefit last week.
Labor5 department says the number of ..sustained on the unemplyed benefit rose by 11 thousand to 428 thousand. The sub report the government says the consumer price index was up 4 times of percent. … things like food, have a lot to do with, you know, just what kind of ..problems we had,and ,you know, food price can swing pretty well,…one year to the next. So we are ought to get sense, of underlining inflation chance we do look it bad at that core mature. Federal Reserve says output the nation’s mines and factories were had a percent last month. five the world central banks provided a limited european bank,…global finicial market.the european central bank announced today ..the US Federal Reserve , the bank of England.,The bank of Japan in Swiss national bank.
Stocks rose on Wall Street today reponse that news . the Dow Jones Industries Average 480 points,NASDAQ in are listening to npr.
Lybia revolutionary forces says now at the
outskirts6 of Moammar Gadhafi’hometown …was spoken for the group fighters caused a major highway over path….questioning the entrance, the town of Sirte …Gadhafi’s royalists. And Gadhafi’s fighters have been least three strong halls in the fuge of the leader recent weeks. Gadhafi was about to remain unknown while two european leaders British Prime Minister David Cameron and Franch President Nicolas Sarkozy
present in Tripoli today offering a broad support for the country’s new rules.
Labor’s on cans of
truant7 declared dolphins will not harm …violate rules on international trade. Npr’s CR reports on the decision by the world trade organization. Mexico challenged the dolphin safely both on ..and the US. Three years ago, the
labors8 guaranteed that …fishery use nets and don’t extendly kill the dolphins when fishing.. dolphins often swim near schools …and can be trapped and killed by tuna nets.Mexico argued that American sea food …because the company says the fish ..on dolphin safe. The WTO did’t agree that the Mexico tuna was treated differently with US tuna. But it did accept Mexico’s …that the labors are not the best way to guarantee the consumers are not harmful about the dolphins.the WTO also ruled that the labor are more …to give necessary to protect the dolphins. The US government can appeal the room. ..npr news.
International revenue service..says ..clean about someone’s oversea’s assets….no jail time..
offshore9 accounts ..thousand people.
I am JP, npr news, in Washington.