at random1, the sample is collected at random.
range, the librarian ranged the books by size.
rank, they have won high rank in the specialties2.
rare ,the higher we go above the earth, the rarer the air is.
would rather, the soldiers would die rather than surrender.
rather than, the steam engine uses a fire in a boiler3 rather than inside the engine.
reach, the road reached the lake.
react, the people reacted against the dictator.
reading, the meter gives a wrong reading.
reap, the company reaped large profits in its first year.
rear, the waiter rears a large family on his small wages.
reasonable, be reasonable in your dealings with people and you'll be respected.
rebel, the slaves rebelled against the masters.
recall, the factory recalled all the cars which were supposed to be faulty
receive, the new ambassador was received by the president.
premier4 Zhou range held a grand national day reception.
reckon on, the general didn't reckon on a surprise attack.
reckon within don't know how to reckon with this problem.
reclaim5, I want to reclaim some of the tax I paid last year.
recognize, not until 1950s was she recognized as one of the greatest American poets.
recollect6, at the trial, the witness recollected7 the crime.
recommend, the doctor recommended the patient to do some light manual labor8.
reconcile, it is impossible to reconcile these two ideas.
recover, he has recovered the respect of others.
recreation, I’m too busy to recreation.
recruit, thirty recruits have joined our club.
reel, they reeled in the fishing line and went home.
refer to, the professor often referred to the facts of history in the lecture.
on all occasions he refers to us as "lads".
refine, a metal is refined if its impurity9 content is too high.
reflect, their actions clearly reflected their thoughts.
reform, he promised to reform and live honestly.
refresh, he refreshed himself with a cup of tea.
refuse, they refused to grant him a patent.
refute, I refuted his argument easily.
as regards, as regards space and time the universe is infinite.
with regard toil10 have on complaints with regard to the working conditions here.
regardless, I must reject his request regardless of your opinion.
register, the thermometer registered 33 degrees this afternoon.
regret, much to me regret, I am unable to accept your kind invitation.
regular, Sunday is a regular holiday.
regulate, traffic lights are used to regulate traffic.
reign11, silence reigns12 everywhere.
reinforce, they reinforced the walls with exterior13 beams.
rejoice, we rejoiced to see the economy improving.
relate, light industry relates to agriculture closely.
relativity, Einstein’s theory of relativity is about relationship between
time, size, and mass.
relax, discipline seems to relax among the pupils.
relay, this metal tower is used to relay television signals to distant villages.
release, the lifting magnet released its cargo14.
relevant, museums should have a more involved or relevant public role.
relieve, a computer relieved the human operator of tiring repetitive work.
reluctant, I am reluctant to get out of bed on cold mornings.
rely on, you can rely on my help absolutely.
remain, we should always remain modest and diligent15.
remedy, these faults should be remedied.
remember, please remember me to your family.
remind, this reminded me of Christmas parties.
remove, the waitress removed the dishes at once.
render, an accident rendered him disabled.
renew, I’ll go to the library to renew the book for another month.
repay, when will you repay me the fifty dollars I lent you.
repair, the road is under repair.
repeat, please don't repeat this to anybody.
repel16, like electric charges mutually repel each other.
repent17, he repented18 his angry words.
replace, tom replaced bill as captain.
reply, please reply at your earliest convenience.
report, on arrival, he reported to the headquarters.
represent, a policeman represents the power of law.
representative, the snake is a common representative of the reptiles19.
reproach, mother reproach tom for being lazy.
reproduce, most plants reproduce by seeds.
require, your presence is urgently required in Tokyo
rescue, the police were tiring to rescue the hostages held by the terrorists.
research, they are researching into the causes of cancers.
resemble, they resemble each other in shape, but not in color.
resent, she resented being looked down upon.
reserve, we reserved two seats in the theatre.
resign, he resigned suddenly from office.
resist, the army resisted the invasion.
resistant20, the rats are resistant to poison.
resolve, this chemical may resolve in distillation21 at a high temperature.
resort, we shall use force only as the last resort.
respect, I respect Mr. Wood’s goodness in face of temptation.
with respect to ,he informed me of some problem with respect to the forthcoming exploration.
respond, the plane responds well to the controls.
rest, the ladder rests against the wall.
restore, peace was finally restored in the city.
restrain, the government has restrained inflation successfully.
restrict, the patient is restricted to a certain diet.
as a result of, john lost his arms as a result of traffic accident.
resume, the traffic is expected to be resumed shortly.
retain, steel retains its magnetism23 better than iron.
retire, he made his speech, bowed, and retired24.
retreat, they watched his retreating figure.
return, each animal was returned to its respective cage.
in return, he give her some roses in return for her kindness.
reveal, a microscopic25 examination of the organism can reveal the structure of its cells.
revenge, the prince demanded revenge for his father's death.
reverse, most typewriters have an automatic ribbon reverse.
review, the drama received good reviews.
revise, the dictionary have been thoroughly26 revised.
revive, that violet will revive if you water it.
revolt, the army revolted against the government.
reward, he was promoted in reward for his loyal services.
get rid of, Lisa is trying to get rid of the mice in her house.
rigid27, the military had a rigid hierarchy28 with numerous ranks.
ring off, don’t ring off; I haven't finished my story.
ripe, the time is ripe for a drastic reform.
ripen29, bananas ripen when they've been picked.
give rise to, the invention of the laser has given rise to many new techniques and products.
roar, the train roared away past us.
roast, put the turkey in the oven to roast.
roll, the sea rolled the ship right and left.
rot, the dead leaves rot in the soil and make it fertile.
rotate, the earth rotates on its axis30.
rotten, the rotten fruit smelled terrible.
roundabout, I accused the driver of choosing a roundabout route.
rouse, these articles roused the people for struggle.
routine, the automobile31 performs well with only routine maintenance.
row, a boat rowed down the stream.
royal, the mayor prepared a royal feast for the world champion.
rub out, he rubbed out the wrong words with a eraser.
rude, it was very rude of the host to scold his wife in front of the guests.
ruin, the ruin of property caused by the earthquake was enormous.
run down, the battery ran down in just a few minutes.
run for, the young senator wants to run for presidents someday.
run into, I ran into Marry in town this afternoon.
run off, he ran off twenty copies on the duplicating machine.
run out of, they’ve run out of the coal.
run over, a pig was run over by a truck.
in the long run, your stocks will earn money.
rush, the stream rushes over the rocks.
sack, Jim was sacked for his laziness.
sacred, they entered the sacred temple.
sacrifice, people sacrifice animals to god.
safeguard, we make copies of our computer disks as a safeguard against accidents.
sail, he sailed the boat to the Atlantic last August.
for the sake of, you’d better give up smoking for the sake of health.
salute32, soldiers saluted33 to their officers.
sample, yesterday he spent an hour sampling the wins.
satisfaction, the work was done to the boss's satisfaction.
savage34, he has a savage temper.
save, they are saving for a new car.
saw, the carpenter sawed a log in two.
scan, this area is scanned by radar35 for signs of enemy aircraft.
scarce, when a thing is scarce, it is precious.
scarcely, scarcely had he entered the room when the phone rang.
scare, no hardship can scare us.
scatter36, Clouds were scattered37 by the wind.
ahead of schedule, the production plan was fulfilled ahead of schedule.
behind schedule, Owing to difficult in obtaining materials, we were almost
three months behind schedule.
on schedule, our aircraft arrived on schedule.
scheme, the enemy's scheme went bankrupt.
scold, he was scolded for coming home late.
scope, football gives scope for courage and quick thinking.
score, she scored 100 on the quiz.
scorn, I scorn those who seek fame and wealth.
scout38, the scout surveyed the valley from the ridge39.
scrap40, Mary scraped her broken radio.
scrape, I scraped the mud from my boots.
scrape through, he scrape through the exam by one point.
start from scratch, whenever I write a story, I start from scratch.
scream, I am so angry, I have an overwhelming urge to scream!
screen, the trees screen our house from pubic view.
screw, I screwed a lid on a bottle.
seal, I put the cucumbers in a jar and sealed it with sticky tape.
search, they searched several rural cottages for the lost child.
seat, he seated himself at a desk.
second, everyone seconded the proposal.
secure, our missiles and bombers41 secure us from attack.
see off, we all went to the airport to see her off.
see through, I have seen through your little game.
see to, the security of goods must be seen to.
seek, such inspection42 methods seek out surface flaws of materials.
seize, the cat seized the mouse.
select, the fields to be photographed were selected at random.
selfish, a selfish person puts his own interests first.
sell, a grocery store sells by retail43.
send for, I’ve sent for a dozen copies of the book.
send in, he has sent in his resignation.
senior, he is senior member of the committee.
sensation, blindness is the loss of the sensation of sight.
in a sense, what you say is true in a sense.
make sense, a sentence must make sense.
sensitive, photographic paper is highly sensitive to light.
sentence, he has been sentenced to pay a fine of 100 pounds.
separate, she cut the cake into three separate parts.
in sequence, please keep the cards in sequence.
a series of, it awakened44 a series of associations of ideas.
serve as, my room serves as both bedroom and living room.
serve sib right, it would serve John right if he got arrested.
set about, he set about stamp collecting at the age of 12.
set aside, each week she tried to set aside a few dollars.
set back, the date of the wedding had to be set back a month because Jim bake his leg.
set down, I’ve set down everything that happened.
set forth22, the book sets forth the principles of mechanization and automation of production.
set off, they’ve set off on a journey around the world.
set out, the explorers set out long before dawn.
set up, I called out my dentist's office to set up an appointment.
settle down, they got married and settled down in the countryside.
shade, she shaded his face with his hand.
shadow, don’t turn on the light, we like to sit in the shadow.
shake, they were badly shaken by the news.
shallow, the dish is too shallow to serve soup in.
sham45, someone on the subway was selling sham watches.
shampoo, Mary shampooed her hair while taking a shower.
share, everybody ought to have his proper share.
shave, this razor gives a good shave.
shear46, the barber sheared47 the soldier's hair.
shed, roses shed fragrance48 around them.
shelter, the tent shelter the campers from storm.
shield, concert and lead are used to shield the atomic furnace.
shift, now corporations welcome a divorce man because they can shift around the country without worrying about relocating his family.
shine, the sun shines over the earth.
shipwreck49, the shipwreck at the entrance to the bay was a threat to navigation.
shiver, the leaves shivered in the breeze.
shock, I was shocked at his conduct.
shoot, he shot an arrow from the bow.
shout, I called the police when I heard shouts for help.
show in, the waitress showed the guests in.
show off, please stop showing off, you embarrass me.
show up, did everyone you invited show up?
shower, it showered all night.
shrewd, he is shrewd in business.
shtick, the children are shrinking with laughter.
shrink, wool sweaters often shrink with water.
shut, shut the door after you.
shut out, the curtains shut out the light.
sick of, Mary was sick of being stuck in traffic.
on the side, his job at the hospital did not pay much, so he found another on the side.
side by side, they walked side by side.
sideways, a crab50 walks sideways.
sigh, the widow sighed at her misfortune.
at first sight, at first sight it seemed quite easy.
catch sight of, she caught sight of a car in the distance.
in sight, peace is now in sight.
out of sight, the ship is now out of sight.
sign, he signed his name at the bottom of the letter.
significant, penicillin51 was an extremely significant medical discovery.
signify, what do these marks signify?
silent, you’d better keep silent about what happened.
silly, the poor old man is getting rather silly.
similar, apprehension52 and anxiety are very similar.
similarity, the researchers noticed the similarity of the two viruses.
simplify, that will simplify my task.
simulate, bomb tests can be simulated on computers.
sin, it is human to sin.
sincere, I have a sincere admiration53 for his qualities.
singular, Mary has a singular talent for painting realistic portraits.
sink, the sun has sunk below the horizon.
sit up, I have to sit up for tomorrow's quiz.
sit in, I’d like permission to sit in your class.
skate, the adolescents skated across the lake.
ski, the mountain can be skied.
skillful, he is not very skillful at using a computer.
slack, trade is slack in winter.
slap, he gave me a violent slap on the back.
slender, the prospects54 for victory is slender.
slide, they show slides of their holiday.
slim, I don't eat chocolate, I’m trying to slim.
slip, the blanket slipped off the bed.
slit55, he slit an envelope with a pair of scissors.
slope, the garden slopes down to the river.
slow, after marching for days, fatigue56 slowed the troops.
sly, the sly shopkeeper convinced me to buy the defective57 radiator58.
on the sly, when she thought no one was looking she opened the cupboard and took a few sweets on the sly.
smart, you look smart in your new suit.
smash, the fireman smashed the door down to rescue the children.
smooth, this face cream is said to be able to smooth wrinkles.
smuggle59, he was arrested for smuggling60 heroin61.
snatch, she snatched the book from my hand.
snobbish62, the snobbish customer talked to the salesgirl as though she were stupid.
soak, the explosives were made harmless by soaking them in oil.
sob63, I sobbed64 during the miserable65 movie.
sober, was he drunk or sober?
so-called, he was deceived by his so-called friend.
soft, would you like some wine or soft drinks?
solemn, the service of burial is done with solemn and mournful music.
solid, a cube is a solid figure.
solidify66, the water has solidify because the temperature is below freezing point.
soluble67, the powder is soluble in water.
sophisticated, the sophisticated machinery68 is difficult to operate properly.
sore, he was sore all over.
sound, it sounds like scientific fiction.
sow, it is not quite time for sowing.
spare, can you spare five minutes to discuss the matter?
spark, the damp wood cracked and sparked.
sparkle, she always sparkles at parties.
specialize, he specializes in geology.
specify69, the magnitude of the physical quantity is specified70 by a number and a unit.
spectacle, the sunrise seen from mount Tai is a famous spectacle.
speed, plenty of fresh air and exercise will speed his recovery.
speed up, the company president wants us to speed up production of the new car.
spell, you can use dictionary to help you spell.
spend, don’t spend time in gambling71 or idling.
spill, the ink spilt all over the desk.
spit, don’t spit on the ground.
splash, children like splashing in the swimming pool.
split, this jacket has split at the seams.
spoil, she spoiled her son by giving him too much money.
sponsor, Beijing will sponsor the 29th Olympic Games in 2008.
on the spot, the policeman shot the murder on the spot.
spray, he sprayed fruit trees with insecticide.
spread, the rumor72 quickly spread through the country.
sprout73, Mary put some bean sprouts74 on her salad.
spur, this book can spur children's imagination.
square, six squared is thirty six.
squeeze, he squeezed through a crowd.
stab, Peter stabbed at the television button.
stable, the building has a stable foundation.
stack, those log won't stack, they keep tumbling down.
staff, the labs are staffed by engineers and physicists75.
stain, I have stained my clothes with ink.
stake, two lives were at stake.
stale, the editor criticized the journalist's stale style.
stall, the car stalled at the express way.
stamp, he stamped with rage.
stand, I’ll stand by you whatever happens.
stand for, km. stands for kilometer.
stand out, his work stands out from others.
stand up, silver stands up better than porcelain76.
stand up for, you have to stand up for your rights.
stand up to, a soldier must stand up to danger.
standardize77, it was believed that the Russians had standardized78 on an bomb of considerably79 greater power.
stare, she sat there quietly, staring out of the window.
1 random | |
adj.随机的;任意的;n.偶然的(或随便的)行动 | |
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2 specialties | |
n.专门,特性,特别;专业( specialty的名词复数 );特性;特制品;盖印的契约 | |
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3 boiler | |
n.锅炉;煮器(壶,锅等) | |
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4 premier | |
adj.首要的;n.总理,首相 | |
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5 reclaim | |
v.要求归还,收回;开垦 | |
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6 recollect | |
v.回忆,想起,记起,忆起,记得 | |
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7 recollected | |
adj.冷静的;镇定的;被回忆起的;沉思默想的v.记起,想起( recollect的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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8 labor | |
n.劳动,努力,工作,劳工;分娩;vi.劳动,努力,苦干;vt.详细分析;麻烦 | |
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9 impurity | |
n.不洁,不纯,杂质 | |
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10 toil | |
vi.辛劳工作,艰难地行动;n.苦工,难事 | |
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11 reign | |
n.统治时期,统治,支配,盛行;v.占优势 | |
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12 reigns | |
n.君主的统治( reign的名词复数 );君主统治时期;任期;当政期 | |
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13 exterior | |
adj.外部的,外在的;表面的 | |
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14 cargo | |
n.(一只船或一架飞机运载的)货物 | |
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15 diligent | |
adj.勤勉的,勤奋的 | |
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16 repel | |
v.击退,抵制,拒绝,排斥 | |
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17 repent | |
v.悔悟,悔改,忏悔,后悔 | |
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18 repented | |
对(自己的所为)感到懊悔或忏悔( repent的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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19 reptiles | |
n.爬行动物,爬虫( reptile的名词复数 ) | |
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20 resistant | |
adj.(to)抵抗的,有抵抗力的 | |
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21 distillation | |
n.蒸馏,蒸馏法 | |
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22 forth | |
adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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23 magnetism | |
n.磁性,吸引力,磁学 | |
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24 retired | |
adj.隐退的,退休的,退役的 | |
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25 microscopic | |
adj.微小的,细微的,极小的,显微的 | |
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26 thoroughly | |
adv.完全地,彻底地,十足地 | |
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27 rigid | |
adj.严格的,死板的;刚硬的,僵硬的 | |
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28 hierarchy | |
n.等级制度;统治集团,领导层 | |
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29 ripen | |
vt.使成熟;vi.成熟 | |
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30 axis | |
n.轴,轴线,中心线;坐标轴,基准线 | |
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31 automobile | |
n.汽车,机动车 | |
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32 salute | |
vi.行礼,致意,问候,放礼炮;vt.向…致意,迎接,赞扬;n.招呼,敬礼,礼炮 | |
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33 saluted | |
v.欢迎,致敬( salute的过去式和过去分词 );赞扬,赞颂 | |
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34 savage | |
adj.野蛮的;凶恶的,残暴的;n.未开化的人 | |
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35 radar | |
n.雷达,无线电探测器 | |
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36 scatter | |
vt.撒,驱散,散开;散布/播;vi.分散,消散 | |
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37 scattered | |
adj.分散的,稀疏的;散步的;疏疏落落的 | |
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38 scout | |
n.童子军,侦察员;v.侦察,搜索 | |
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39 ridge | |
n.山脊;鼻梁;分水岭 | |
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40 scrap | |
n.碎片;废料;v.废弃,报废 | |
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41 bombers | |
n.轰炸机( bomber的名词复数 );投弹手;安非他明胶囊;大麻叶香烟 | |
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42 inspection | |
n.检查,审查,检阅 | |
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43 retail | |
v./n.零售;adv.以零售价格 | |
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44 awakened | |
v.(使)醒( awaken的过去式和过去分词 );(使)觉醒;弄醒;(使)意识到 | |
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45 sham | |
n./adj.假冒(的),虚伪(的) | |
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46 shear | |
n.修剪,剪下的东西,羊的一岁;vt.剪掉,割,剥夺;vi.修剪,切割,剥夺,穿越 | |
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47 sheared | |
v.剪羊毛( shear的过去式和过去分词 );切断;剪切 | |
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48 fragrance | |
n.芬芳,香味,香气 | |
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49 shipwreck | |
n.船舶失事,海难 | |
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50 crab | |
n.螃蟹,偏航,脾气乖戾的人,酸苹果;vi.捕蟹,偏航,发牢骚;vt.使偏航,发脾气 | |
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51 penicillin | |
n.青霉素,盘尼西林 | |
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52 apprehension | |
n.理解,领悟;逮捕,拘捕;忧虑 | |
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53 admiration | |
n.钦佩,赞美,羡慕 | |
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54 prospects | |
n.希望,前途(恒为复数) | |
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55 slit | |
n.狭长的切口;裂缝;vt.切开,撕裂 | |
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56 fatigue | |
n.疲劳,劳累 | |
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57 defective | |
adj.有毛病的,有问题的,有瑕疵的 | |
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58 radiator | |
n.暖气片,散热器 | |
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59 smuggle | |
vt.私运;vi.走私 | |
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60 smuggling | |
n.走私 | |
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61 heroin | |
n.海洛因 | |
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62 snobbish | |
adj.势利的,谄上欺下的 | |
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63 sob | |
n.空间轨道的轰炸机;呜咽,哭泣 | |
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64 sobbed | |
哭泣,啜泣( sob的过去式和过去分词 ); 哭诉,呜咽地说 | |
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65 miserable | |
adj.悲惨的,痛苦的;可怜的,糟糕的 | |
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66 solidify | |
v.(使)凝固,(使)固化,(使)团结 | |
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67 soluble | |
adj.可溶的;可以解决的 | |
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68 machinery | |
n.(总称)机械,机器;机构 | |
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69 specify | |
vt.指定,详细说明 | |
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70 specified | |
adj.特定的 | |
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71 gambling | |
n.赌博;投机 | |
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72 rumor | |
n.谣言,谣传,传说 | |
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73 sprout | |
n.芽,萌芽;vt.使发芽,摘去芽;vi.长芽,抽条 | |
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74 sprouts | |
n.新芽,嫩枝( sprout的名词复数 )v.发芽( sprout的第三人称单数 );抽芽;出现;(使)涌现出 | |
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75 physicists | |
物理学家( physicist的名词复数 ) | |
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76 porcelain | |
n.瓷;adj.瓷的,瓷制的 | |
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77 standardize | |
v.使符合标准,使标准化 | |
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78 standardized | |
adj.标准化的 | |
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79 considerably | |
adv.极大地;相当大地;在很大程度上 | |
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