CNN 2012-01-12
时间:2012-02-16 07:48:56
Next time your parents tell you a penny save does a penny earn,you tell them not always!!We're gonna tell you how much more a peny is worth a little later on today.CA, welcome to a new week of CNN student news.
First up today,we are talking about U.S. unemployment today which is the lowest it's been almost three years.In Dec,in the rate dropped 0.1 to 8.5%.One expert says that's a sign of the country's economy is heading into a right direction.Some
analysts1 say temporary holiday hirings would be part of the reason.More than 30 million Americans don't have a job,Analyst Simth looks at some of the very difficult policital reactions of what's happening on the jobless front.
Before the holiday was history they gave last gift,the
labor2 department reports 200,000 jobs in Dec,especiall in Manufactory, healthcare,education and construction.The unemployment rate dropped to 8.5% the lowest since Feb 2009.President says it's progress.
we are creating jobs on consistent basics.We are not gonna let out untill everybody wants to find a good can find one.
Job's numbers give pretty of room for politial interpretation,on one hand the economy added 100,000 more jobs 6 straight months.
Democrats3 say they could do more with republican help.
where the jobs,where the republicans.
Can you imagine what would happen if we have republican working with the president to creat jobs.
On the other hand ,less than 1 in 3 of 8.8% million jobs lost since 2008 have been gained back.Rebulican presidential candidate blamed Mr.Obama.
He failed to put Americans back to work.
New G says it's a statement that there are 1.7 million fewer Amercians going to work than they work on Obama
inoculation4 day.
Rick Santomrum says this.
There might just be some optimism that maybe republicans are gonna to take the whitehouse.And maybe that spurring people to start taking some risks.
Differet politial reads one economic reality,200,000 newly employed workers catch paycheck they did not have one months or XX in Washington and I'm MM.
Many people in here Arizona are rememberred a tragy anniversary, one year ago yesterday U.S. representative Gabril Gifer was meeting some of the consX in the supermarket parking lot.Police say she was the target when a gunman open fire.6 people were killed,13 others were wounded including representative Gifer to a shot in the head.Viduals and memorials like this one from last year took place around XX yesterday.The one year anniversary of the attack,representative has been recovering in Huston,but she's back in Arizona for the memorials .For XX say congress woman Gifer wants to be back into this XX for this emotional weekend.
Is this legit?
The latin root word
mare5 refers to horses?
Not legit,people refers to the sea and it's how we get words like Merina and
We have two Maritime head launch for you now,the first one happened in the Uribean sea and involved two countries that don't have the best realtionship.
We're talking about the U.S. and Iran, the smaller ship you see is an Iranian fishing boat ,the bigger is U.S. navy destroyer.It got a
distressed7 call from the fishing boat saying that pirates were holding the 13 Iranian on board,hostages.
Now in this vedio,U.S. navy team approaching the fishing boat,they boarded the ship,free the Iranian in hositage and took 15 suspected pirates in
custody8.Iranian have been angry about U.S. ships operating in that part of the world.But the Iranian government welcomed the rescue and called a
humanitarian9 act.Here you can see one of the fishmen embracing the U.S. offorces.
U.S. official offers the Iranians food, water and medical care.It said to make sure to treat the fishing career in kindness and respect.
Next up, we're heading to the coast of New Zealand,where a
cargo10 ship run in ground when it hit a reef back in Oct.Hundred of times of oil have leaked out,one officail said that the spilt is the most significant maritime in X disaster in the histroy of New Zealand.Bad weather pounded the ship over the past couple days,yesterday official said it spilt in two.That XX all over the place and it means there can be a new oil spilt,yesterday authority said there haven't been a significant release of oil,but they said one was likely.They were getting teams ready to respond to the in case anything started to wash up on shore