CNN 2012-02-03
时间:2012-03-16 03:28:19
Big thanks to the students at Board Creek1 Middle School for getting started today.Today's headline will take us to Asia and Africa but we will begin our from the State of Florida.
Florida is holding its presidential primary contest.The leading Republic candidates are making their final push to win the 50 delegates the are up for grabs there.Why are delegates important?Once a candidate wins one,it means that the delegate will vote for that candidate to be the party's presidential
nominee2.Candidate win most delegates during primary and
caucus3.Some states like Florida have a winner take all system.Win the state,you get all of its delegates.other states have the proportional system.Though,for example a candidate who win 40% of the voters in that state,wins 40% the state's delegates.Win enough delegates and you win your party's
nomination4.The bar this year for the Republican party is eleven hundreds forty four delegates.Here's how things broken down heading into Florida's primary:former Massachusetts governor
Mitt5 Romney had 32 delegates,former House speaker Newt Gingrich had 27, Representative Ron Paul had 10 and former Senator Rick Santorum had 8.So you can see we still have a long way to go as far as delegates are concerned.CC looks how today's primary can impact the Republic field.
Florida will break the tire but it won't end the game.The four survivals of Republican primary process intend to keep on keeping on.They can also see the White House from their campaign headquarters.We will beat Barack Obama,New Gingrich thinks he muddy up Mitt Romney's
prospects6 by doing well in states that divy up delegates by percentages.Thank you for coming.Looking to caucus state where delegates
followers7 might produced outsize results.RP also depends on long political gravity.
You gonna study in and see what comes out and who knows what will come out of two candidates?There are lots of upsides down so may be there will be some downs and we might be able pick up the pieces.
I don't come from,you know,a background of wealth.Study,sure,and underfunded,Rick Santorum needs a miracle like Iowa, but on time and bigger.He needs a tumble from the top leaving space from him to step in as Newt without the baggage.
We are doing great and we are in this for a long hall.We just won't go outand spend every
dime8 in a huge thing like Florida.
I want to get Americans working again.Ever a CEO,Romney is a numbers cruncher.Figuring in the highs and lows,he patiently awaits returns on his investment.This is a campaign that gonna go the distances.I am confident that we are gonna get the delegates we need and that despite all the ups and downs with the campaign,in the final analysis,I do my job right,get my supporters motivated by what we will be able to take the price.
Even if the Florida results do not change the players they will surly change the game.
Game on.Florida is not Rick Santorum's Iowa,this dismissed too white too rural with a lousy record of choosing winners.Thank you,New Hampshire.
Nor is Mitt Romney's New Hampshire is counted by credits as a hometown win.And Florida is not Gingrich`s South Carolina,diluted by naysayers as an over-sampling of *.Florida is nobody's home state.It is
populous9 diverse and hard hit by the economy downturn.There is a constituency for everyone.Florida is the no excuse state.
A good win for Romney will reestablish him as a front runner,the better for his
bruises10 and a nice win for Gingrich will make him more than a one state wonder.Florida will change everything even if we don't notice them first.CC,CNN,Washington.
The city of Joplin,Missouria gradually moving forwards after taking a directly hit from a massive
tornado11 last May.One hundred and sixty one people were killed.It was the deadlies twist on US soil since official started to keep records.St. John's Mercy Hospital in Joplin was left
standing12 but
severely13 damaged.
On Sunday,a
demolishing14 crew started taking down the old building but that was the first ceremony in Joplin on Sunday,there was also a ground breaking at St. John's new site.The hospital's president said it's hard to say goodbye to the old building but it's glad to be moving ahead and looking to the future.