CNN 2012-02-13
时间:2012-03-16 03:49:12
Ambassador Rice ,the second youngest person to hold that position.She's the first African American woman to be America's representative to the United Nations so she did perfect in the theme of this year's Black history month,black woman in the American culture and history.As a Ambassador Rice represents United States to the international community at the United Nations so she presents America's views on the global issues that UN tackles,things like peace,climate change and the fight against poverty and disease.Rice holds several positions in former president Bill Clinton administration.She earns a undergraduate in Stanford and completed her master's degree and doctor at Oxford1 University.We have a great way for you to test your knowledge of other significant people in advance of African American history so interactive2 quiz designed especially for Black History Month.And it's in the spotlight3 section on our homepage at CNN student news not com.
Time for a shout out after credit.Which of these video game was released first?Was it Mario Brothers,Pong,Pac-Man or Donkey Kong?Another three seconds on the clock.Go.Pong was the first video game,came out in 1972,although the
graphic4 might be seen primitive by today's standards.That's your answer and that's your shout out extra credit.
Well,you have seen the rating on video games that say what age group games are suitable for.There's T for teen,E for everyone. Japan might need a new rating for one group of gamers,SC,senior citizens.Q showers how the elderly over running some
arcades6 in Japan,and why the arcades owners couldn't be happy about it.
The hyper
animated7 shot-them-up world,Japan's video game
arcade5.Players have gone from preteen to retiree.When we look around we see a lot of people who are about your same age,why?Because it's fun here,says TOKA.He's 70 so many grey hair gamers gather here that this arcade has morphed into a unofficial senior center.
Of course,we did,he says pointing out games that meet you every other day,games are good prevent dementia.A clear trend
spotted8 by the cooperation that owns this arcade,now pushing senior days,building more ping-ball,coin generative games and
marketing9 easy to use point cards.
Are you purposely make this more
analog10 to meet the needs of an old population?That' right,says sega's spokeswoman,in Japan,the trend is to use mobile phone to collect point,we are using paper because it's senior-friendly.
If you think getting senior people to play video games is a crazy idea,well,consider this,for every child in Japan, there are two elderly people in 50 years the number will grow,for every child,there will be four elderly people.It only makes economic sense.
Japan is aging faster than any other where on the planet,with the birth rate at the history lows. The arcade is just one example of once youth folks industry shifting to meet the population reality.No telling ,says the video game industry, but the future of this graying nation holds.Y,CNN Tokyo.
Before we go,things are looking up for a very small housing market.It's for two kangaroos in Australian zoo.It's looking up because these are tree kangaroos.They are most of their lives up off the ground. They just move to a new home in the facility.Forget hopping,these things are natural climbers.Right now,they are just male and female but the zoo keeper say,they hope a baby room could be on the way soon.So in another words,the couple could bring home a little fun to look,shall we?Hopefully,they are getting settled into their new home and nothing kanga ruin that experience.We will bounce back tomorrow.We are CNN Students News,hope see you then,byebye.