万花筒 2011-02-03&02-05 可怕的信用卡复制器
时间:2012-03-23 06:30:37
Watch a man sit down next to a woman and without touching1 her; successfully steal her key information from her credit card.
-Here’s your visa number.
-How did you do that?
He works for IDENTITY STRONCHOLD, a company specializing in electronic fraud protection. Look for this symbol on your credit card. If you have it, your card is sending out a radio frequency identification signal. It’s design you can simply bring your card close to an object and purchase without swiping the card. But thieves have figured out how to exploit that, here again, a pass glance, and he’s got the info.
-It’s simply as this chip right here that’s been added to a once functioning pin pad.
Police are seeing a whole new level of cyber crime when the merchants are not looking thieves
swap2 a normal pin pad with an identical looking one, but one that’s been customized. And inside you find one extra small computer chip that takes all that key information and via bluetooth broadcasts it to a distance of up to 30 feet, increasing thieves are going
-There is a
rogue4 fraudster in a parking lot that monitoring on a laptop live what activity is going on, this pin pad, including your pin number and all of your account information.
-And not only there are monitoring it they can actually start the cards, printing the cards right away.
-Absolutely. And all that date that comes from this piece of equipment here is quickly captured on to some magnetic strip like this; you simply write what the pin number is on the card. And you also have the new bank card.
Police are being proactive, warning merchants of how fast crime tactics are evolving.
-Just to provide you with some information on preventing yourself, your business, ah, being a target.
-We’ve got a S. crystallized
debit5 machine, so it’s interesting because you know a lot of people say if they put a little sticker on it and stuff, it’s easy to
replicate6 and you can go out and buy a sticker and stick it on, you never know the difference. This is pretty hard to replicate.
There are self-powered card skimmers that thieves place over top of the bank’s card slot, your card is taken into the machine. You still do your transactions so everything looks normal.
-But as the card slips back through after the transaction is meet, all that data that is captured on this little device right here including your pin number.
You can get led-line sleeves and wallets to block consumers from picking up your new RFID enabled credit cards but ultimately consumers just have to stay on top of what’s going on and protect sensitive financial information like never before.