CNN 2012-03-28
时间:2012-04-13 06:23:55
Happy Monday toyou, I am ? this is CNN students’ news. In a few minutes we are going toexplore the core cases in ? Obamas how carries formal crown. So we begin todaywith South Korea.
President Obamahad his officials have visited more than fifty countries are then right now fora meeting about nuclear security. Later they talked about things like nuclearterrorism and how to keep nuclear material from around the world safe. But beforethe meeting starting there are some tension regarding North Korea that nationsays its plan to launch a satellite on board Rocket next month. That kind of launch will violate the deal thatthe North Korea made with US recently. It has violated the US security councilresolution. President Obama warned North Korea that this launch will not berewarded. On Sunday the president also made a visit to Korea demilitarizedzone, the DNZ . this is the region that ? South and North Korea. The presidentwas there to meet sum up 28 thousands of US troops that station in Korea healso kept up the tradition carried out by previous US presidents. ? has more on that.
Former USpresident Bill Clinton described it as the scariest place on earth when hevisited it in 1993. And Iran called it demilitarized zone, the border betweenthe South and North Korea is actually the most heavily 45 border in the world. Twoand a half miles and four kilometers wide, much of the DNZ is no man’s land ? by watch towers and land mines. The jointsecurity area it was 1953 an omistist signed between the South and North Korea.It’s one
negotiation1 takes today, and it’s the one place US soldiers can see thatNorth Korean county parts of clothes. It’s the tallest sight of visited toSouth Korea and of course for the American presidents. ? the last Americanleader of the Cold War visited the final frontier of the Cold War in 1983. Hehas
assessment2. Previous president George W Bush visited the DNZ in February2002, just weeks after he granted North Korea as part of his so-called * alongwith Iran and Iraq. So why the US presidents felt the need to visit one of the mosttense borders in the world. There is a signal that sent to North Korea,regarding US as all strength of the lines. There is a signal sent to SouthKoreans that the US is rehearing them and will
fulfill3 their lines commitments.And just a few of cases of the VIP was just on the South Korea said the newNorth Korea leader * visited the DNZ earlier this month,
standing4 just metersfrom the South Korea territory and ordering his troops to be on the highestalert.
Next newstoday, the races for the republican presidential
nomination5, there no primary or* schedule for this week.