CNN 2012-06-04
时间:2012-07-19 06:31:11
New York city is in the process of making that subway system even bigger.It is adding a new line.It is a part of the city's first major subway expension in fifty years.New York transportation official say once it is done,the new line will help produce overcrowding in delays.That does not happen quickly and that does not happen cheaply.Ally G looks what involves.
That hole escalators that can cost seven hundred thousand dollars a piece.Man lifts that is so for up to half a million
bucks1.See that hydrolic drill jumble,they can go for eight hundred grand of pop.These are the machines of modern days of civil engineering.New York city has them all work whole speed ahead on its new second avenue subway line.Subways are expensive just give you a sights of perspective.Way back when the fist subway in Manhaton was 21 miles and it cost thirty five million dollars.This one is about a mile and a half for about four and a half billion dollars that is more than a billion of stuff.And that is just for phase one.We went digging ten stories below Manhaton to find out what goes into the bottomline on a new subway line.In the bargon,...a bargon.Eight hundred thousand dollars a pop.The most massive piece of the ...used is the tunnel boring machine.The last time New York built a subway used the cut and cover methods.Digging from a straight level,boring is much more efficient and it disrupts life above groud a lot less.
One that hit this is twenty two feet ...that lower two stories tall.It can go on average above,fifty feet a day.One of these things cost twelve million dollars and requires twenty people to operate it.At fifty feet a day boring two mile and a half tunnels takes a long time.
This is a liner project.Right.You must do the tunnels before you do this.And highly
specialized2 labors3 are the ones doing that.San H... urban miners work alongside operating engineers who drive and maintain machines.
On average we pay a gay about a thousand dollars a day and that,their salary flush benefits.It is putting people to work in the tough economy.The
metropolitan-trans-authority expects phase one of the subway that three and a half stops and a new tunnel add four stop to create one hundred and thirty thousand jobs with economic impact of almost eighteen billion dollars over the nine years construction.
New Yorkers keep asking why this takes a lot?it is normal.It is what of it is,it is what it takes.
All the while,Americans are putting the bill.Nomatter where they live.
Second upon you,right now one point three billion dollars got from the federal government.And the rest of the three point one five comes from New Yorkers.
And that two thousand six days when we swept away our cars and ride their first is gonna be all right,Ok.
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