CNN 2012-06-18
时间:2012-07-19 06:55:52
Good evening everyone, we begun tonight, keep in honest with the troubling new indication of just how hard American families have been slammed by this economy, a new study just released by the federal reserve painted a green picture in numbers, the most stunning1 revolution from the study between 2007 and 2008, the average American families' net worth dropped by almost 40%, now our focus on is how that fact is being portrayed2 today in presidential race, and Fox News this morning Mitt3 Romney was asked about the feds study particularly the drop in Americans media net worth, here is what he had to say.
Well, I knew that's right the American people are having such a hard time, that's why the idea of selecting a campaign slogan forward is so absurd, people are having hard times in this country, and the president needs to go out and talk to people, not to these fund raisers, go out and talk to people of the country and find out what's happening.
Mitt Romney assumes himself to be placed in blame on president Obama, now there is no doubt that nearly 40% dropping in media network over 3 years is terrible, but what's lost in Romney comment is the fact the 3 years we were talking about the 3 years the federal reserve study looked at are from 2007 to 2010, president Obama didn't take office until 2009, so president Obama and his supporters say you can't simply blame him after looking at the situation that he inherited, you can agree with that or disagree, but in * think I am simply solid with president Obama hearing this tip for tight, let me also point out the president Obama seems guilty of similar tactics in recent attacks against Mitt Romney, in a new campaign, president Obama zings Governor Romney for some bad economic stance in Massachusetts, some which can also be blamed on, you guessed it, the economic situation he was handed when Romney took office keep them both honest on both sides.
Let's look at those numbers, exactly really is the key drawing, this view ignored where you said what it is really telling us, look, here is 2010 figure, 77,300 dollars according that the study of the media family worth and by comparison to what was before in 2007, under George Bush, 126,400, if you just look those two numbers, this looks huge, looks obviously like things are much better here than here, but the key is you have to go beyond that, and you have to look at what's happening beyond it, which is the question of this, what we are losing money on? the simple truth is we lost money on our jobs, because a lot of money were making the money that they are expecting to make, we lost money on our
savings5, because people weren't expecting that either, but the big loser and this is the key to all of this, the big loser is over here in the question of savings, the question of home ownership, right there, that's where the big
perceptive6 fall came in terms of what people were owning and where they lost all of their family value, and look at this chart when that happened, if you looked at US home prices, number one driving forcing changing that, changing value of net value media home value, happen right here. President Obama didn't take office until about here, so you can see this gigantic climb in home values huge fall off the cliff, he wasn't in office until here, so you are absolutely right, to suggest that somehow it's his policy that led the way to all of this is simply not true, the number says that's not the case.
Mitt Romney is saying also that president Obama hasn't done enough to help get home prices back and get people out of the water not fast enough. We mentioned that in this show, the
secondly7 go that the Obama campaign is now going after Governor Romney's Massachusetts record, using kind of the same
criteria8 that they qualify fellow gains though.
Absolutely, and you are right, republicans have a fair complaint to say that maybe the president should have stopped this sooner, he should turn it around sooner, he should be doing more out, that's absolutely
valid9 complaint, but on the other sides, the
democrats10 are now coming back, add the republicans with the same
tactic4, saying same,president, Romney the figure that loved to decide over and over again is that he created fewer jobs when he was governor than almost any other governor in the country, they are absolutely right about that, but what they are not burying in mind when you look at the increase from his time when he was in office to here, that's a very very small, like 1% gain in terms of jobs in his state, what they are not counting is the nature of the economy in Massachusetts, Massachusetts was also hit by huge recession right before he took office,one that hammered technology companies and Massachusetts has a lot of them, so the simple truth is both using the same trick on each other than maybe more or less blaming their way, but it's the same trick and it's equally unfair on both side, Anderson.