CNN 2012-07-06
时间:2012-09-10 08:51:23
I'm Ashaly been. Sitting here for Anderson Cooper welcome to 360 podcast. What in a name?
Democracts and Republicans battle over a key piece of health care reform, is it a tax? Keeping them honest, Anderson with the ridiculous.
Let's get start.We are getting our first real look tonight at what Americans think about spring court decision on health care reform.
keeping them honest, we're also getting a whole lot to talk mostly double talk from politician on a ruling. For instance and there's plenty of it were
revolving1 around a single word taxes.
Does the money that you're gonna have to pay for not buying the health insurance amount to a tax? Battles on your dran.
It isn't a tax of ? it is tax penalty
how's the minority ? close over the weekend little ? for the ? just strain for the seconder two from the talking points that the men they imposes the penalty not a tax.
is clear, it is called penalty
the mass have so called tax increase they're talking about
It's the free loader penalty.
People who can afford to buy health insurance should the responsibility to do so.
I'm saying that it was set up as for the penalty for people who can choose not to buy health insurance. It's penalty. Whether you call it
mandate2 or what it is it's a penalty.
It's penalty not a tax, that's what's been said right?
That's for the Republican side though any time ? it is tax time.
It's tax increase, it's massive tax increase on the middle class.
That Florida center Marc Rubio on Saturday. And a beat goes on.
This law is a tax. Obama care is the biggest tax increase in American history
You've got make good decide that we're gonna tax you if you don't eat
broccoli3 on Tuesday. In fact the
affordable4 care is a tax, it a largest tax on American history. Middle class tax increase, the largest tax increases on the middle class in history. I am care raises tax on the American people.
Keeping them honest, when Republican say it's tax on people who choose not to buy health insurance they are absolutely right. the provisions for art written into tax law, section 5008 in internal revenue code fascinating rating. this pervisions are in forced by the IRS.